Tse Moana Royal Family

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The Royal Family of Tse Moana consists of King Horan II, his wife Stacya Verona and his nine children. Until her death in 1991, Second Queen Leija Sarice belonged to it as well.

Horan, and his family, belong to the T'Chal Marac Dynasty. This Dynasty has directly descended from Fihruri and has been ruling Tse Moana since the fifteenth century.

King Horan II

King Horan was born 1954, the oldest child of King Horan I and his wife Nessa Selocci. He grew up together with his younger siblings Zarah ('56) and Pirath ('60) both from Nessa; and Zhira ('61) and Kelew ('63) from his father and Phera Farig.

After finishing Third Level education, Horan went on to study politics and history and graduated simultaneously from these studies in 1977. It was also in this year he married Stacya Verona, one of his fellow history students whom he'd been dating since 1973.

Two years after their marriage, crownprince Tomar was born followed, one year later, by prince Davin. Now the family moved from their home in the suburbs of Abredin to a house more suited for a bigger family as more children were sure to come. Besides needing room for more children, space for Horan's second wife was also needed.

Horan himself did not at all like the two-wife-law and tried to persuade his father to alter it. Unfortunately for Horan, his father had no such plans, as he did not want to raise the people against him. He had already abolished the queen-naming-law which had been in effect ever since Fihruri founded Tse Moana back in the 15th century. He did not want to abolish another Founding Law, as the laws set down by Fihruri are called.

Horan therefore put off marrying again as long as he could but in 1982, the Council of Ministers began pushing him to find another wife. After talking it through with Stacya, Horan slowly began meeting other women but he never found one he would want to marry. In early 1983 however, Horan met Leija Sarice, a long-time pen-pal of his wife whom she'd never met. When Leija came to visit, it was quite clear to both Horan and Stacy that the two liked each other. After about 18 months of dating and getting to know each other, Horan married her in 1984.

In between, in 1982, Stacya had given birth to her third child, Princess Reba, followed by Princess Daya in 1985. In 1986, the first child of Horan and Leija, Princess Shiva, was born, followed in 1988 by Prince Mattea. The final three children followed soon with Prince Rubyn in 1990 and Princess Zascha in 1994, both by Stacya; and Princess Risa in 1991 by Leija.

Princess Risa's birth however turned into a disastrous event when sudden complications turned up during the birth. Leija died and doctors were barely able to save newborn Princess Risa's life. After this, Horan decided he would not marry again and the ministers did not push him for now he had enough children.

When Horan became King Horan II, three years later, he immediately began the law-changing procedure to abolish the two-wife-law and accomplished this in 1997.

Queen Stacya Verona

Queen Stacya was born in 1956 as Stacya Verona, daughter of Toren and Naella Verona. She grew up in the small city of Nessarin, about 120 km south of Abredin, together with her three older brothers Stacyeh ('48), Stacyre ('51) and Stacyon ('54).

After completing the first three levels of education in Nessarin, she moved to Abredin to study history. It was here she met Horan, who was two years above her. After Horan graduated in 1977, the couple married and went to live in a suburb of Abredin.

One year later, Stacya also graduated and they began thinking about children which resulted in the birth of crownprince Tomar in 1979. Over the course of the following 15 years, five more children were born, Davin ('80), Reba ('82), Daya ('85), Rubyn ('90) and Zascha ('94).

Stacya has many friends and one of them was Leija Sarice, a pen-pal of hers ever since '79. The two women never met until 1982, when Stacya and Horan were going through the difficult time where Horan had to find himself a second wife. When he met Leija however, things changed. Stacya noticed almost immediately that Leija and Horan 'clicked' and, knowing he had to marry again, stimulated the two going out together.

Stacya and Leija remained close friends all through the years and Leija's unexpected death in 1991 was a great shock to Stacya. Fortunately, the tragedy drove her and Horan only closer together and not apart. Leija's three children also refer to Stacya as mother since they were only 5, 3 and newborn when Leija died.

Stacye involves herself with the politics of ruling Tse Moana a great deal. She is a pillar for Horan to lean on when the pressure gets too great and is always there for him to discuss difficult decisions with. She deals with education, and especially First and Second Level, as her focus.

Queen Leija Sarice

Leija Sarice was the middle child of Vasenna and Zidahi Sarice, born in 1963. She grew up in Rovallen, were both her parents worked as scientists, together with older brother Niah ('60) and younger sister Marle ('67). In her first three levels, Leija excelled in maths and after graduating, she went on to study Mathematics in Rovallen.

During her studies, she was always ranked in the top 3 of her class and as such was, as a 16-year-old, invited, together with the other top-kids from her school, to a meeting with Queen Stacya. They ended up talking and begun a correspondence which lasted until 1982, when Leija came to visit Stacya once more.

This time, she was also introduced to Horan and instantly liked him. At first she was embarrased about it, but when she realised Horan liked her too and he had to pick a second wife, she allowed herself to feel the way she did. It wasn't until after Stacya gave her and Horan her blessing, however, that they began dating.

They married in 1984 and got three children together; Shiva ('86), Mattea ('88) and Risa ('91). Unfortunately, during Risa's birth, unknown complications turned up and Leija died without even seeing her new babygirl whom the doctors were barely able to save.

Crown Prince Tomar

Crownprince Tomar was born in 1979, the first child of Horan and Stacya Verona. He grew up as an active boy, always trying things out just one step further than most other boys his age. In First and Second Level, Tomar proved to be a good speaker and this only developed further in Third Level. After graduation, he decided to study Politics and Philosophy and he graduated in 2002.

It was also in Fourth Level that Tomar met Essa Draylan, a Law and Philosophy student. The couple had dated for three years when Tomar proposed to Essa in november 2003. They married May 25th, 2004 in a three hour ceremony at the Great Temple in Abredin.

In May 2005, Tomar became a father for the first time when Essa gave birth to twins Fihruri and Thialla. Thialla was the first to be born which will result in Tse Moana having a Queen for the first time in history when she ascends to the throne.

Crown Princess Essa Draylan

Essa Draylan was born in 1980 as oldest child of Marus and Shinsa Draylan. She grew up in the small town of Na-Ure, near the Moana Mountains, together with her parents and four siblings: brother Marus jr. ('83), sister Nilah ('86), sister Shinsa jr. ('88) and brother Delor ('90).

As a girl, she had a clearly developed sense of justice, always defending the weak and picked upon. While growing up, it was clear to everyone she would become a lawyer or a judge.

After finishing Third Level, Essa went to Abredin to study Law and Philosophy. It was here she met Tomar and they began dating in 2000 culminating in a marriage on May 25th, 2004. On May 18th, 2005, Princess Essa gave birth to a twin boy and girl, Fihruri and Thialla, thereby securing the next generation of the T'Chal Marac Dynasty.

Besides being a wife and mother, Essa spends her time on various legal committees, using her excellently trained legal mind for the betterment of society.

Prince Davin

Prince Davin was born in 1980 as second child to King Horan and his first wife Stacya. He grew up a quiet yet inquisitive boy, interested in reading and learning, always wanting to know the exact how and what of almost everything he encountered.

He and his one year older brother Tomar were very close in childhood and Davin followed him wherever he went. Together the two were responsible for quite some misschief played out in the royal palace. This eventually calmed down a bit when the brothers no longer wanted to share a room (as they had since they were five) when Tomar entered Third Level.

When Davin finished Third Level, he went on to study history and holitics, like his father had. It was during this he met Morriyan Thegellen, an antrhopology and archaeology student who took some of his classes as well.

He graduated in 2003 after which he went on a sabbatical in which he travelled around Tse Moana to gain a better understanding of the people. When he was done, in early April of 2004, he broadened his vision and, after his brother's wedding, went on a world tour visiting Tse Moana's direct neighbours, Moo-Cows with Guns, Equility, Grothistan and Millitarism; followed by Astarial, Koona, Westwind, Neo-Conservatism, Nooterland, Zapvilla, Equalist Communist, Adyndril, Neboe, Bismarcia, Sub-Actuality, Chaucerin and Ostendt.

He returned from this in the June 2005 after which he proposed to his girlfriend who had accompanied him on all his travels of the past two and a half years. They married January 15, 2006.

Princess Reba

Princess Reba, third child of Horan and Stacya, was born in 1982. From the beginning on it was clear she was a spirited young lady, yet inquisitive like her brother. She too always wanted to know how things worked and always carried a book with her, even to parties. When however an explanation of something wasn't good enough to her taste, she would not let go of it until she was satisfied with the answer.

This showed through in her education as she joined the debating team during Third Level and scored top marks in the sciences, al the while developing her interest in space. She continued this after graduating from Third Level, in 2001, by going on to study at the Tse Moana Space Institute where she follows the top level track. She hopes to graduate in 2007 after which she plans to continue with Level Five at the Space Institute.

Reba is also a sports lover and enjoys nothing more than to ride horses ever since her father first put her on one when she was two. King Horan himself is a great fan of horseriding but unfortunately for him, only Reba has picked up on this activity. The two often go out for a ride together.

Reba met her boyfriend, Stefan Zorriyo, when she began at the Space Institute. The two were classmates and soon became friends, culminating in a relationship in the beginning of the second year.

Princess Daya

Daya was born in 1985, the fourth child of Horan and Stacya. From her earliest childhood, Daya excelled in sports, most notably athletics. Her favourite sports are running and jumping. She continues to spent a lot of her energy and time into this but next to that manages to study economy & management in which she will most likely graduate in 2008.

Daya was selected for the Tse Moana National Athletics Team in 2004 and she participated with them in the 2004 Summer Olympics, winning bronze on the 100m.

Prince Rubyn

Rubyn, fifth child of Horan and Stacya, was born in 1990. He has deeply enjoyed music ever since he was a baby. Most of the time, the only way to quieten him when crying would be to turn on music.

He is currently following Third Level. He is doing well at school but has no real plans yet as to what he wants to do after he graduates. He is, however, seriously considering a Music School or the Rock Academy.

In his free time he likes to play guitar, piano, write songs and listen to music. Other, non-music interests include computer games, reading and basketball.

Princess Zascha

Princess Zascha is the youngest daughter of King Horan, born in 1994 of him and Queen Stacya. She's currently enrolled in Second Level and, when asked what she wanted to be when she grew up, her answer has consistenly been "doctor" for three years now.

In her free time, Zascha likes to play outside and build huts. When playing inside, she likes her dolls (whom often get bandaged and examined), drawing and cooking.

==Princess Shiva Princess Shiva is the first child of Horan and Leija, born in 1986. She learned to write and read at the early age of three and has never let go of pens ever since. She has been writing stories since she could write and has perfected this art now up to professional level.

She has published her first book with short stories in 2005 which dominated the book charts for months. She's currently writing a novel of which she refuses to give any details. Besides that, she studies journalism.

Prince Mattea

Mattea was born in 1988, middle child of Horan and Leija. In his early childhood, he was often missing and would then be found hidden in a treehut, a broomcloset or some other hidden place where he would be scribbling with numbers and other mathematical materials.

This proficiency in math continues and he has already decided that after graduating Third Level in 2007, he will go on to study mathematics.

Besides maths, Mattea likes to play chess with his stepmother Stacya. Other hobbies include computer programming, graphic novels and sailing.

Princess Risa

Princess Risa is the youngest daughter of Horan and Leija. It was during her birth in 1991 that Leija died and as such, Risa never knew her. While growing up, Risa turned out to be a winter child, enjoying snow and ice the most. This translated in an amazing ability to figure skate.

After years of practice, Risa is now an accomplished skater and plans to try out for the Tse Moana National Figure Skating Team in 2007, when she turns 16. She wants to participate in the 2010 Winter Olympics and works hard to get there.

Still a Third Level student, Risa is an average student, spending most of her time in her sport. After graduating, in 2010, she wants to do something that will enable her to be a professional figure skater.

Besides figure skating, Risa enjoys swimming, dancing, taking photographs and rollerskating.