BGM-6 Battle Axe

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The Hatchet cruise missile is a weapon unique to NS, designed by Phoenix Dynamix. The BGM-5 hatchet cruise missile is a super-sonic, anti ship/land cruise missile designed to replace the tomahawk on surface fleets. It also can be air-launched from large aircraft just like the tomahawk. The hatchet's attack speed is Mach 6.5 powered by, 4 PD-RX-SC4501 SCRAM jet engines and one solid-fuel booster Primary Function: Long-range supersonic cruise missile for attacking ships and land targets. It's range is nearly 700 miles (600 nautical miles)

Primary Function: Long-range supersonic cruise missile for attacking ships and land targets.
Length: 22 feet
Weight: 3,000lbs
Diameter: 26.5 inches
Wing Span: 3 feet 11 inches
Guidance Systems: Inertial, GPS, Televison, TERCOM
Warheads: WMD, Cadmium, Acidic or Conventional Explosives

Below is an image of the Hatchet missile:
