Eastern Europe

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Eastern Europe
Forum: EE Forum
Population: 87 nations
Delegate: Serbonia
Founder: Tirana
Info: NSEconomy RC XML

A New Year; A New Eastern Europe

The transition into 2006 brought about incredible change to Eastern Europe. A new alliance had been formed, an old alliance grew extinct. Conflicts boiled in the Balkans and the Crimea, and unity settled in the great east.

The War On Barcelon

The war on Barcelon commenced in late October, early November. The Polish Confederation, citing grievances about the treatment of Polish-Barcelonians during a flu outbreak, and the EECN, citing the threat of invasion by Barcelon into member-nation Vhorenia, formed a coalition to take out the nation of Barcelon. The Polish states, backed by the RDA, assaulted the Barcelon homeland from the south, while the EECN made their own advancement through Vhorenia and from the Baltic Sea. Barcelon was eventually conquered, and torn apart for war spoils. This event also saw the sluggish independence of a new, fascist Vexia.

The War on Moyk

January 2006, The combined might of Zerstampfungland and Marsden III swept into Moyk, overwhelming its otherwise significant Communist Defence Forces, and have since withdrawn, leaving only the 113 Das Klinge Army Group, and other regiments of Zerstampfungland and Marsden III, to occupy the country, keep the Rebels pacified, and Neues Berlin Compact Corporate Interests protected.

Nikolaykrainian Civil War

A Huge Conflict that has drawn in many nations, in various capacities, as they seek to gain control or influence over a strategically crucial region, which was once the heartland of a vast Tsarist and Communist Empire that covered most of Eastern Europe and Siberio-Asia.

The main local factions appear to be the current, legal government forces known as the "Federalists" and several seditious armies known as the "Unionists" and "Revolutionaries" who maintain a socialist creed. Forces from neighbouring Krasnayaorsk, Red East and a dozen other nations have all rushed to aid their favoured factions, and exploit the political chaos to their advantage. tens of thousands have already died, and many more look certain to follow.

Georgian Civil War

The Georgia Region has collapsed into near-anarchy, and five or six warring factions now dominate the ruined country. Recognizing its economic potential, several nations, including the Union of Power and Novistrana have begun slowly to intervene in this conflict, and try to re-establish some measure of order. The weak monarchy struggles to maintain its position as the legitimate government, let alone the force in control of the country.

Black Sea Conflict

A Brief and regrettable conflict that occured in late december 2006, Modravia and the Union of Power dispatched their vast navies to battle one another, whilst at the same time deposed UOP Leader, General Dimitri Chaiet, over whom the war was fought, was able to sneak into the Union Capital with Modravian Special Forces and effect a Coup Detat. The Congressional Directorate was toppled, and, aside from massive damage and minimal loss of life, the Conflict was quickly ended.


EECN - Eastern European Commonwealth of Nations

Currently the oldest organization in the region, it is also considered by many the most stable and sensible of the alliances. It was founded in response to the growing power of the Kiev Pact. It is an alliance that wishes to uphold democratic ideals and ensure that people throughout Eastern Europe get the freedoms and rights that they deserve.

Members: People's Republic of Qabrestan, Free Land of Litija, Citizen's Socialist Union of Orange Free State, The Hellenic Confederation, Narodna Reszpublika of East Vhorenia, Social Democratic Paradise of Philonias, Federation of Qairastan, Republic of Revistan, Republic of Tartaria, Velkno Vodstvo of Vhorenia,

RDA - Regional Defense Alliance

An alliance created to protect Eastern Europe from the looming threat of Communism. It is only, as it's name implies, a defensive alliance. Mainly a capitalist alliance, however membership is granted with exceptions. The RDA promotes a free market, a free people, and a free Eastern Europe.


NBC - Neues Berlin Compact

The NBC arose to represent the extreme fascist and right-wing idealism expounded by Emperor Marsden III and other like-minded dictatorships. The NBC is home to nine nations of fascist and right wing philosophy, who have dedicated themselves to ending communism and bringing their ideas into Eastern Europe. They have successfully grown from a few minor nations to a powerfull alliance. They are also the creators of the Neues Berlin Economic Treaty (NBCET), currently the largest economic agreement so far in Eastern European History. Roughly ten nations currently belong to the NBCET agreement. Currently celebrating good economic times, the NBC hopes that as time passes more and more will see the efficientcy that fascism, right-wing ideology and the NBC as a whole brings to the region.

ComIntern - Communist International

Involved in a cold war with the NBC and the RDA, the ComIntern's power was broken when it's Chairman, Comrade Duvo, withdrew his position and the nation of Trostia from the alliance. This signaled the end of the Comintern, which officialy bit the dust when Bedd Gellert seized it's existence. The ComIntern is now defunct. It has no members, and serves only as a relic to the old.

ANN - Alliance of Neutral Nations

Originally constructed by the Union Of Power as a purely defensive alliance for neutral nations, the ANN quickly gathered other founding members such as Crete, Modravia, Chechniya, and Philonias. Soon after, however, the alliance did not gather any other members, and quickly became somewhat of a laughing stock in some Eastern European's eyes. Even a Union of Power politician commented on the ANN as a "failure" of an alliance. In other's eyes, the ANN is a great concept and will show it's ability to do what it is meant to accomplish one day. The Alliance of Neutral Nations still exists today, but it is near-disfunctional although the members of the ANN would come to each other's aid at any moment should something occur. Some consider the ANN a dead alliance, and others feel that the ANN has yet to prove itself.

Roleplay Guide

Region/World Interaction

Eastern Europe has been relatively isolationist when compared with other major real-word geographic-based regions. The majority of roleplay occurs on the forum, and doesn't tend to involve non-Eastern Europeans. This is probably due to the inherent incompatibility with Eastern European roleplaying conventions and the free-form roleplay that characterizes NS-forum interactions.

Like many geographic-based regions, Eastern Europe encompasses more territory than the name suggests. Much of Western Europe, the Mediterranean and parts of the Middle East are within the map's boundaries as well.

Local Customs

There are several "rules" in the region which govern the "accepted" roleplay's scope and nature. There are no real provisions for cases of "unaccepted" roleplay behavior, except that it has a high chance of being discouraged and/or ignored by many of the outspoken and active roleplayers on the forum.

  • Nuclear Weapons - Nuclear weapons do not exist in the Eastern European "reality."
  • Modern Tech - Ditto for spaceships, elves and intelligent supercomputers.
  • Alternate Reality - History departs from that of the real world at least as early as 1650, AD and possibly as early as 900. Although many real-world events and powers have parallels beyond that, not all of them do.
  • Map - There are plenty of rules governing who gets what on the map, mostly designed to preserve the history of past nations, ensure that limited space is used by contributing roleplayers and maintain the flavor of Eastern Europe.
  • War - A moderated war system for creating and deploying militaries has been developed and in use. However, other methods (including freeform RP) are also used when all involved players can agree.

Currently Active Players

(In alphabetical order)

  • Baltoslavia
  • Capital Praetor
  • Georgia Region
  • Lensi-Etela
  • Hellenic Confederation
  • Konosha
  • Krivichistan
  • Krasnayaorsk
  • Janteuvvel
  • Machenburgh
  • Malorek
  • Marsden III
  • Modravia
  • Novaya Russia
  • Novistrana
  • Nikolaykraina
  • Orange Free State
  • Portelania
  • Qabrestan
  • Red East
  • Relica
  • Revistan
  • Riksrepubliken Götaland
  • Russian Federation
  • Saskaenland
  • Segovia
  • Serbonia
  • Siberia
  • Trostia
  • Union of Power
  • United Polish Lands
  • Vexia
  • Zerstampfungland
  • Zhetybay

External Links