Policing in Laneria

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Policing in Laneria is a part of the criminal justice system. Generally speaking, police have a monopoly on the legitimate use of physical force within Laneria itself. They are charged with the general maintance of order, the investigation of criminal activity, deterring criminal activity, stopping crimes in progress, protecting certain public areas, responding to emergency calls for help, performing certain disaster response functions, protecting public officials and serving warrants, [[[Wikipedia:Writs|writs]] and other orders of the court. When police are confronted with probable cause of criminal activity or a situation where they believe a person might be in immediate danger of death or serious injury, they can forcefully enter private property, conduct searches or take a suspect into custody without a warrant from a court.

In Laneria, there are an estimated 22,010 law enforcement agencies on the federal, state and local level. Policing is mainly the province of local government, however. Over 90% of Lanerian law enforcement professionals work for either a municipal or a country government.