Union Independent Nations

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Revision as of 13:56, 12 February 2007 by Edward City (Talk | contribs)

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Union Independent Nations
Forum: [1]
Population: 0
Founder: Edward City/African Edward City
Info: NSEconomy RC XML

The Union Independent Nations was founded the 19th October,2006 by a group of nations who have left the United Region of Friends because there was a complot against the former United Region of Friends delegate,Edward City.

The Regional motto was:"For liberty,democracy and justice!"

The Union Independent Nations dissolved on 31st October 2006 because an unidentified man hacked delegate's password and ejected & banned member nations.This man is wanted by the Federal Intelligence Agency and the Edward City government.

The Union Independent Nations was refounded on 29th December 2006 by African Edward City.

The UIN finally disappeared on 12th February 2007 and was replaced by the Commonwealth Edwardian Nations(region).

Former Members: