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Capital: Saar-Tanforest
Population: 145 million
Incorporational Classification: Compound Province
Languages: Coscivian
Currency: khaki saar

Khakia is a province of the Kiravian Empire.


The first inhabitants of Khakia were nomadic herders on the plains. The first civilization to live in Khakia, however, were the Ergyle. They built the cities of Anjbarom, [[Luxno]}, and Nyrypt to govern their empire of agricultural settlements stretching across the continent. Their culture prospered, and the Ergyle grew to be the wealthiest people known to the area. However, they were weak in governmental, scientific, and exploratory areas, resulting in their empire collapsing several times.


Khakia is often refered to as the granary of the Empire. Its long growing periods and level landscape make for massive agricultural output. An estimate 454,000,000 tons of cale are produced each year.