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The Holy Roman Federation

The Holy Roman Federation (H.R.F.)
Headquarters: Vienna
Members: 6 regions including territories or colonies
Type: Confederate Republic

Brief History

The Holy Roman Federation was created on April 25, 2007 and is a loosely constructed confederation of regions. The capitol of the Federation was originally the Vatican City, but was moved to Vienna.

The Federation consists of three regions, currently, the region of "Cologne," "St Margaret Mary," and "The Vatican City." The Government is headed by an Emperor who acts as the Head of State; under him is the Prime Minister, elected by the Senate; and the Grand Senate which consists of one senator, with one equal vote, from every one region.

On May 4, 2007, when the region of "Catholic" was invaded; the Emperor of the Federation issued a Decree of Neutrality calling for all regions in the Federation to not intervene. The "decree" is neither an order or law, but a requested gesture to respect the wishes of the monarch. As a result, not one single nation intervened.

On May 6, 2007, the Official Imperial Capitol Act was approved by the Grand Senate and called for the capitol to be moved from the Vatican City to the region of Vienna.

On May 14, 2007, the Grand Senate approved the "Admittance of Turkey Resolution" 2-0. This resolution granted that the region of Turkey become a equal member of the Federation. Turkey has become the unofficial region to join the Federation; since the Federation was created by Cologne, St Margaret Mary, and Vienna (plus territories and colonies) simultaneously.

Another major event that occured on May 14, 2007 has been the region of Corporate Conservative has decided to join the Holy Roman Federation. Currently, the Grand Senate is voting on the resolution of whether or not to accept this new potential member; there is believed to be little or not opposition against the resolution.

As of May 15, 2007, The Federation now consists of the following regions: Corporate Conservative, Cologne, Turkey, St Margaret Mary, the Roman Empire, the Vatican City, Vienna, the Republic of Moldova, and the Vatican City Lands. The region of the Roman Empire is still being vote upon by the Grand Senate; and the Vatican City Lands was conquered by the Holy Roman Legions.

Government, Politics and Idealogies

The Federation Government consists of three different distinct branches: the Imperial Branch; the Executive Branch; and the Legislative Branch.

The Imperial Branch consists of the Emperor and the Royal Family. Currently, the Emperor holds no powers, he has no authority in the Senate, or in any affairs. Instead, his powers derive from him being the symbol of the Federation as the Head of State. He may issue decrees, and statemements, and simply request them to be followed. If they are not, there is no action take against the antagonists.

The Executive Branch concists of the Prime Minister, the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, and the appointed-Field Marshall. The Prime Minister currently has no term limit, and the word "term" has not yet been defined by the Grand Senate. However, the Prime Minister is elected directly by the Grand Senate and has the powers to veto acts and appoint his cabinet. He is also considered the elected Head of State and the leader of the Government. The Secretary of Foreign Affairs, appointed by the Prime Minister, acts as the Chief Foreign Delegate and also holds the duty as Vice Minister. Finally, the Field Marshall is also appointed by the Prime Minister, however, only has the authorities granted to him by the Grand Senate; and is responsible for reporting the Uniform's military actions, progress, and so on. The Field Marshall is the third in line, should something occur to the Prime Minister which declares him or her unfit.

The Politics of the Federation depend on the government and the peoples sentiments. Often times the Federation is considered moderate in both a conservative and liberal fashion. Politically and religious freedoms are practice vigorously, however, variers per region. Religious tolerance is also enforced, however, only to the regional level; that is regions enforce the law if the majority of them favor it. It is the sole duty of the Senator of that region to enforce laws that the Grand Senate passes.

Idealogues of the federation also differe, of course, no communist, facists, or white-supremists (includes Nazis) governments are accepted into the federation as they either violate the freedom of religion or politics or both. However, like politics, the Federation varies. Many regions such as Cologne are absolutely capitalists, while regions such as St Margaret Mary tend to lean towards a socialists state. The Federation government itself does not consider itself a promoter of any form of government, except that of a republic, though it variers per Senator.

Leaders-Current Politicians

The Imperial Branch is headed by Emperor "Servant of God" of the Vatican City, followed by Archduke and heir to the Throne "Moorington" of Cologne; and finally the Duke and third in line to Throne "Rolamec" of St Margaret Mary.

The Executive Branch is headed by Prime Minister Crowley Ireland; currently the positions of Secretary of Foreign Affairs and Field Marshall are vacant, though a decision is to be made in a short period of time.

The Legislative Branch has no head, however, consists of the following: Senator Moortington (also Archduke) of Cologne, Senator Rolamec (also Duke) of St Margaret Mary, and the Senate seate of the Vatican City is currently vacant.


The Holy Roman Federation has no state religion per se. The Government is secular based and religious tolerance is practiced by the Federation Government. However, it is estimated that 98% of the Federation follows Christianity, to break that up betweens Catholics and non-Catholics, which is estimated to be 50%-50%.

A recent poll on the Federation forum concludes that 57% of the Federation is Roman Catholic, 28% is Protestant, and another 14% is Eastern Orthodox.[1]However, this poll has been dismissed as invalid as only seven people responded to the poll, and foreign delegates, who arent even members, are allowed to vote. Recently, beginning May 14, 2007 the poll has been updated to include now 8 people; of that number 50% profess a faith in Roman Catholicism; 25% in Protestantism; 12% in Eastern Orthodox; and the recently "new" religion to hit the Federation 12% non-Christian (in this case Muslim). However, much like the former poll we cannot deem this as an accurate source because of the same reasons as listed before.

Currently, there is no region in the government that bans the worship of any religion, however, several emphasize a certain faith or denomination. For example, the region of St Margaret Mary allows all people of all faiths to reside in the region, but only allows Catholics to participate in political offices. Another example is Cologne which does not even question your faith as a political or social factor; thus anyone of any faith may hold any office in that region.

The Federation Government does claim the official religon to be Christianity, but doesnt withold offices from peoples of non-Christian faiths. Furthermore, if emphasizes Christian unity, which may result in Emperor Servant of Gods Catholic faith and the Second Vatican Council which called for Christians of all denominationts to cooperate together, and vigorously practices religious tolerance.

Uniform Military

The Holy Roman Federation's military branch consists of those that volunteer and also happens to be in the Nation-States United Nations. It is named the Holy Roman Legion and its headquarters is located on the Federation forum.[2]

The Holy Roman Legion is completely voluntary and the Federation does not enforce its members to join in on invasions and defenses. Rather, all regions are given the choice on how many "troops" they are willing to dedicate. The request for a joint-regional assault or defense requires that the Grand Senate approves it. Otherwise any region may do as they wish in relation to invasions and defenses; however, in order for uniform assistance must gain Senate approval, as stated before.

Currently, the Holy Roman Legion is very disorganized. It has no form of invading or defending; no Field Marshall for the time being; and the numbers are still trying to be worked out.

On May 6, 2007; the Emperor of the Federation made a request to all regions, that all UN Nations willing to fight; register on the forum and in the military forum. This effort is believed to be a step to get the Federation an idea of its uniform military size and prepare it, should it ever be called to active duty.

On May 15, 2007; the region of the "Vatican City lands" became a conquered territory by the Holy Roman Legion and was a join operation between the region of Cologne and the Vatican City. Its future has yet to been established.