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Starship phasers

The ship-board phaser is known to have existed at least ten years before the time of . The original variety of ship-mounted phaser was known as the phaser bank, which fired from a single point on a ship's exterior and required a short period to recharge between discharges. This was eventually replaced in the 24th century with the phaser array or strip, a long, shallow device imbedded within a ship's hull. This was composed of short sections, each of which contained facilities for receiving, adding to, passing on, and firing a phaser charge. The phaser strip functioned by having its two end segments each create a phaser charge; these were passed along the sections, each adding to one of the charges, until they met at the center segment, which aimed and fired the combined charge. The firing segment could be changed by instructing the sections receiving one of the charges to operate more slowly than the others. A third, less common variety, seen on such ships as the type-one Miranda class and the Defiant class, is the pulse phaser cannon. This device is a phaser bank which features a length of focusing coils, which slow the front of a beam and form the charge into a layered sphere before it leaves the cannon. A light phaser array or phaser bank, such as those seen on a Saber class starship.

Phasers in The Fedral Union

TFU phasers have evolved from 2220 the first ever phaser was the type I ship born phaser 2220-2235,

  • The weakest phasers used by TFU today are the type XVI’s they are about 25,000 Terawatts a shot
  • The strongest phaser in use today is the Type XVIII, type XXII and type XX
  • The type XXII are in cannon mode witch means a cannon attachment on star ships that are classified as dreadnoughts or battle ships are present most of the time ,these cannon attachments are usually type XXI phasers or type XX phaser
  • there are many quantum weapons in use by TFU to supplement these phasers but they are classified .
  • the type XVIII phaser will be in regular TFU star ship use for some time