SLL (Yuunli)

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The Safe Life Lobby (SLL), called Krup fia r a Ziha Lem (KZL) in Poirih, is a major leftist political party in Yuunli.

In the 2005-05-21 elections of the Yuunli Legislative Assembly, the SLL gained a seat, making it (and the FTP the second largest faction with 19 out of 100 seats.

10 out of 16 Yuunli Councilors are SLL members: Kai Boif (Chairman of the Executive Council), Marlin Ericson (Councilor for Finances), Katrin Ficha (Councilor for International Relations), Svato Ikaika (Councilor for National Security), Mata Noiman (Councilor for Social Security), Drago Cordin (Councilor for Consumer Protection), Hainrih Lep (Councilor for Agriculture), Ricarda Lore (Councilor for Defense), Egon Oliver (Councilor for Families and Children), Zepp Tsuupl (Councilor for Education) and Perpl Anolt (Councilor for Research and Technology).

The SLL is the largest faction in the legislative assemblies of 2 provinces: Balembai, Lancollin (24%) and Lonreca (22%).

The Chairpersons of 11 out of 17 provinces are SLL members: Balembai, Bolshvisa, Candet, Casuay, Centhay, Idubut, Lancollin, Lonreca, Milduna, Putali and Riftaly.