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Piglatnia was started after the civil war of 1991. The war was started because of a nickname: In 1990 the goverment of Higle decided to divide its growing nation into two parts: Pig and Latania. The names stemming from their language and main agricultural product. The new leader of pig, Alpho Soup had a speech disorder which caused him to speak in the language we know today as piglatin, with one slight difference: the root word was in Latin not English. the only person who knew how to translate it was Alpho's devoted wife who, in dispare for her new province, made it law that everyone learn the new language. The language wasn't too hard to learn but it was fun and addictive, by 1991 the entire province of pig gave up plain Latin and spoke their new form that they dubbed Platin. The unfortunate thing is that Latania didn't like the individuality the pig was moving toward. Because this could mean that Pig might leave or ask for independance which would greatly cripple Latania. so the residents of Latania decided to give the Piggyians new language a nickname: Piglatin which grately insulted its users. But instead of brining the province of Pig into check it gave them a reason to defect. but Latania would not let them go so a war broke out. But sadly for Latania they lost, the war only lasted 2 months when Latania gave up. The Latanians were a rich breed not use to working which meant that not many people inlisted thus causeing a lack in soilders. When the Latanian president singed singed the treaty he expected that his province would now belong to Pig, but he was wrong that it would belong solely to Pig. Pig only took a small portion of the province and left the rest to latania. The treaty was singed august,14,1991. Although Pig had its independance it changed the oficial name of its language to piglatin and changed its oficial name to piglatnia both in commemeration of the brave men that fought and died in the war over a name.