Paladin States

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Paladin States
Forum: [1]
Population: 50 nations
Delegate: Kokomy
Founder: Zealotos
Info: NSEconomy RC XML

Paladin States is on an "alternate" earth in our universe. The founding nations expanded from small tribes to the nations you see today.

The Long Ago War

Peace existed for quite a while until shortly after the "WAYDIOUS RAY" was invented and used by the Blue Aliens of Paladious and other worlds of the now "extinct" Galaxy of Paladin States. Some of the worlds were peaceful wanting trade and sharing of technology and culture; but others wanted war and to conquer. By use of the "WAYDIOUS RAY" the now "extinct" AntiMatter Paladin States was discovered. Their many nations; like the Galaxy of Paladin States, were split between peace and war. It was only a matter of time before war would begin. Brainiac 13 & Apockolips traveled to the AntiMatter Region and declared war on Meteor 10973. Mahlah and others came to defend Meteor 10973 and many long battles ensued. The War ended when Admiral James T. Kirk seduced one of Brainiac 13's "Fembot" sentinals and stole their "Planetary Demolisher". Kirk also inadvertantly saved Brainiac 13's War World in the process; since the "Planet Demolisher" was really sent by Mahlah to detonate on War World. An uneasy truce was started but it was not fated to last very long.

The 1st Cold War

When Random Task (the General Dictator of Mahlah) died; suspicion swirled as to who "murdered" him. Czar Vlad Kilemoff sited that "alien technology" was involved and began a boisterous campaign against alien "interference" in earth affairs. He founded the "Friends of Humanity" with several other nations to cease all sharing, trading, and communication with "alien" governments. Paladious & Zealotos responded by founding S.L.A.P. (Sentient Life Alliance Pact) believing that peaceful alien and earth governments could indeed co-exist and prosper. The 3 Regions were split and fingerpointing was commonplace. Anonomous footage of Hal Jordan in the presidential suite in Mahlah did not help relations. Nan Madol (the earth nation of the Pacific) was nearly at war with the F.o.H. when it was made public that they were "water"-breathers and not like the rest of humanity. Brainiac 13 & Apockolips founded A.A.E. (Alliance Against Earthlings) in response to the others. Just at the brink of war; the "Zero Hour" Crisis began. The Sun was dying and noone would survive! Hal Jordan (a.k.a. Parralax) used his powers to restart the sun and saved the 3 Regions; but lost his life in the process. This sacrifice ended the bad blood between the alien governments and earth nations and a peace treaty was formed. The "WAYDIOUS RAY" would be controlled and monitored by Paladious and both alien and earth governments could use it for travel and trade.

Great Tragedy

Darcsyde of Apockolips had summized that shooting his "Omega Beams" through a Boom Tube (Apockoliptian Technology) and strengthing it by simultaneously using THE WAYDIOUS RAY...He would have the most powerful weapon in the Galaxy. When he tried it was transported to Earth and Hit South America, Central America, and all the Pacific Islands including Austrailia and New Zealand. Those lands disappeared and noone to this day knows where they are or if they even exist. Many nations ceased to exist because of the Tragic event. Paladious further "locked down" THE WAYDIOUS RAY so no event like this would happen again.

New Beginnings

Many Nations have once again joined Paladin States and many important events have begun to take shape. The formation of many Alliances is leading the Nations of Paladin States into the brink of another "Cold War". Comm-Unity formed and has caused the "polarizing" of the Region into two categories: Capitalist Nations and Communist Nations. Wars have been rampant. In the face of this growing threat of world anarchy The Koko September Peace Treaty has been signed in a call for Peaceful Nations to stand together against the growing Crisis.

And that's where we are now..................The Future lies ahead!