Old Khallaynan

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Old Khallaynan is a language that was declared dead during the reign of Empress Yolanda II (though it is still an offical language of state). Old Khallaynan was the language spoken throught the Empire during the time of the Prophet and is considered a complex tongue which is split into three eras of language development.

Ambernost Khallaynan

Not much is known about the language that was spoken by the Prophet himself, what is know is that Ambernost Khallayne thrived in the Ambernost Empire and reached it's cultural hight under the rule of the Priory of Cao, the religion that dominated Ambernost until the advent of the Prophet and The Holy Order of The Way of Peace. This language was only spoken in Khallayne.

The language when spoken outloud resembles French (with subtle changes).

Written Ambernost Khallaynan is in pictograph form, most of which is untranslatable.

Eldest Khallaynan

Elder Khallaynan

Other Info

When Empress Yolanda II declared Old Khallaynan a dead language she was willing to respect the Holy Order's wishes that the tongue of the Prophet remain an Offical language and used in combination with all government documents in honor of this sacred language. It is nowadays considered fashionable to learn and speak it in High Society and in the Temple Prayers to help with Purification Rites.

  • I'll add more later