Greater Stretford

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Greater Stretford Metropolitan and Regional Authority
Throne Of The Gods
Map of Maanenland with Greater Stretford highlighted
Maanenland Region
Capital Stretford
Largest City Stretford
Governor Lieutenant Commander Vernon Keligh
Languages Maanenic , Dutch,English,Russian,French
 - Population 68,342,218 (2nd)
 - Density]] 419 / km2
Became Part of the Grand Duchy
 - Date 1982
Time MCT
 - Highest Point 2450m (Mounthatten Ridge)
 - Mean Elevation 300m
 - Lowest Point -40 m (Ronley Marshes)
 - Landranger STRET

Greater Stretford is often seen as the 'heart' of Maanenland as it has the highest population density and has the nation's capital at it's centre.


Greater Stretford came into existance in 1982 under the Maanenland New Regions Act. It was deisgned to encapsculate the commuter belt of the city of Stretford.

The first recorded settlement in the region was near Coltishall at Bromborough. Originally the region was split into distinct zones. The county was formed using pieces from Chesterford (Valley) , Dycan (Valley) , Mounthatten County , Stretfordshire , Jenningtonshire and Longleigh. The project was the first and ultimatly the flagship of the new regions created.


The majority of the province is made up of the 4 city conurbation of Stretford-Coltishall-Mounthatten-Caister which houses over 4 million people , just ahead of the 3.9 million people who live in the Cliffton-Carston-Canley conurbation.

Greater Stretford is where the majority of government officials live , especially in the affluent Mounthatten Eastern districts , close to the border.

Politically Greater Stretford has been the traditional heartland of Maanenland First although support has begun to decline.