Pschycotic Pschycos

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Pschycotic Pschycos, The Imperial Shogunate of

A large nation located in the Imperial Armies region. Pschycotic Pschycos is also at the head of the obscure Earth Alliance, though only three nations have ever joined.


Starting out as the Rouge Nation of Pschycotic Pschycos, the nation was born after a bloody war with Derscon. The small band of rebels were led to victory under a man known only as General Kamikaze. General Kamikaze later went on to be the new nation's first Shogun. Since its indendence, Pschycotic Pschycos has grown rapidly, and has even reached out into space. Friendly ties have been reestablished with the Dersconi Government, and old wounds have indeed appeared to have healed. The nation was recently torn apart by a civil war of genetic engineering, but those wounds too have healed.


Pschycotic Pschycos is a large, squarish nation. Contained in its heart is a vast Inland Sea, bordered to the west by the Shinotara Mountains, a gigantic range with only one pass through. Its eastern shore is protected by a massive sea wall measured at a hundred feet tall. Conecting the Inland Sea to the ocean is a series of five canals that were carved out over time. Off to the southeast are a small cluster of islands that were once part of the Japanese Islands.


Pschycotic Pschycos shares a culture almost identical to that of the Ancient Japanese. Kimonos are a common sight, and the capitol building, Honimishu Castle, was built with the same style of architecture. The nation's youth enjoy punk rock, skateboarding, snowboarding, and popular team sports like football. The entire population is extremely patriotic.


The nation's military consists mostly of the Navy, a huge sector that has yet to be beaten, or even challenged on the sea. The army now consists of regular infantry, and land-based mobile suits. There is a space fleet that is fully operational, and it too uses mobile suits to great advantage. The program with the least emphisas is the air force, which is ot really needed as the navy does most of the work.


-Conflict with Derscon- A second war with Derscon over a misinterpreted mixup. The war was brutal, almost turning nuclear. Peace was reached before this occured, though at the toll of the founder and hero, Shogun Kamikaze.

-War with Kaymiril- Its second war boiled down to more of a naval squirmish as the military, guided by foolish advisors, was lead to attack the socialist nation of Kaymiril. This war ended before any large losses were taken, though one of Kaymiril's princes was killed in the fighting.

-Genetic Civil War- A bloody civil war in which genocide was commited against genetically altered citizens. Order was eventually restored to the proper government.

Several other minor incedences have taken place, but a large scale war has yet to happen.


The government of Pschycotic Pschycos is known as a Shogunate. It boils down to a militaristic dictatorship in which the leader, a shogun, solely leads the country, with some help from advisors. There is no congress or parliament, and as all previous shoguns have treated the general public with kindness and respect, no one has had a problem with this. The latest shogun is Shogun Himura Kenshin, who will be followed by his son, Heero Yuy.