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Official Name: The Most Holy Empire of Jhiland
Region: Imaim
Motto: "To the Avian Trinity, our lives"
Map: [1]
Official Language: English
Capital: Confluence
Population: ~2 billion
Currency: Featherdollar
Religion: Avian Church of Jhiland
Leader: Holy Emperor Andrew Horton
National Animal: Garuda

Stats: NSEconomy Pipian XML

The Most Holy Empire of Jhiland is a large island nation, and the founding nation of the Imaim region. Its capital is Confluence, which is also the oldest city in the region. Jhiland is a very spiritual nation, mostly due to the fact that the center of the Avian Church is in the Cathedral of the Garuda in downtown Confluence and that membership in the Church is required by national law.


Jhiland sits on Jhil Island. The island is mostly flat with highlands in the northern parts. Two main rivers, the Ockalackee River and the Yorest River, flow from one end of the island to the other.

The Ockalackee River runs from Denali Ridge in the northeast into the Bay of Gregor. The land along the river is very fertile and the bulk of Jhiland's farming community lives along the river. The Yorest River flows from Stevens Ridge in the northwest and ends at the Ockalckee River. At the confluence of these two rivers is Confluence, the nation's capital.

<div" class="plainlinksneverexpand">map.gif
A 3D Rendering of a Map of Jhiland

Population Demographics

Largest Cities
Name Population
Confluence 8,341,255
Farraday 2,923,493
Redwater 1,400,761
Mount Stevens 958,009
Westbank 725,671

Life Style

71% Rural
29% Urban


37% Farming
20% Government and Public Service
19% Commercial
13% Manufacturing
1% Church


90% Completed Grade School
79% Graduated High School
50% Graduated College
35% Hold Graduate Degree

Average Age-37 yrs
Life Expectancy-89 yrs


The Nomadic Era (2000 BC-1000 BC)

The Jhils began their existence as desert nomads. Although they were a small tribe, they had a hard time surviving without a fixed home. As the tribe grew larger, they became increasingly unable to stay together.

The Age of Settlement (1000 BC-950 BC)

Knowing his tribe would need a permanent home if they had any chance of survival, Tonom Hakine begged to the tribe elders to permit him to lead the tribe to a new home. After several months of pleading, the elders finally agreed. With little reluctance, the Jhils followed Hakine on his quest to find a permanent home. After three years of searching, he was unable to find a suitable area to settle his tribe.

He knew he had to lead the Jhils across the seas if he had any hopes of finding a home. Without any ships, he knew this would be impossible. So he lead the Jhils into laying seige against the port city of Eastport. The Jhils prevented anyone from entering or leaving the city, and burned any ship that tried to enter the city. After five years of the seige, the city finally fell. Entering the city, Hakine decided he did not want the city, so he left it to the residents and took only as many ships as his tribe needed in order to follow him on the seas.

After three months on the sea, Hakine's ship landed on an uninhabited island. He was greeted by lush vegetation and vast plains. He and the tribe disembarked and found a long wide river, now known as the Ockalackee River. They followed it down until it met another river, now known as the Yorest. At the cape between these two rivers, Hakine decided to finally settle and establish a home. He named the town Confluence after the confluence of the two rivers.

At the tip of the cape, Hakine ordered the construction of a cathedral, which he named the Cathedral of the Garuda, in which to center the Avian Church of Jhiland. Next he ordered the construction of the national palace in which the governing council might meet. Just as the town of Confluence began to develop nicely, Hakine passed away. His son, Renaul, took over in his stead.

The Age of Expansion (950 BC-100 BC)

Following Hakine's death, the Jhils began to expand out of the city of Confluence and spread along the rivers. Farms began to crop up along their banks. Many new towns were founded, and the population grew exponentially. Confluence remained the main city, but with so many people spread over such a great distance, the council elders and the tribal leader decided to officially declare Confluence the capital, and to establish the national palace as the capitol building, and to name the island "Jhiland" after the tribe. The council also decided that all citizens in Jhiland needed to be members of the Avian Church.

Most of the citizenry had no problem with the council's rulings, and those who did just quietly went about their normal lives. Jhiland flourished much for the next 750 years.

In 150 BC, the tribal leader passed away with no children. Both of the leader's cousins vied for the throne. Despite the contention between the two, the tribal council elected on Gregor Yorest to lead the tribe. The other cousin, Lorton Stevens, was angered by the decision. He gathered a small group of Jhils who were upset with the government. They traveled northwestward into the highlands and settled along the second river. The new town was named Mount Stevens, after the revolutionary leader. The Jhiland government insisted that this rebel society was still part of the country.

The Jhiland Civil War (100 BC-50 BC)

Late one night, the rebels launched a vicious sneak attack on the town of Redwater. The Jhiland Civil War had begun. For fifty years, the rebel nation attacked the cities of Jhiland. Many of the towns were destroyed in the battles, and it appeared that the rebel nation was going to win.

Then the rebels made the mistake of attacking Confluence. The citizens of the city fought back against the rebels and persued them across the land back to Mount Stevens. The Jhils laid seige to the city. Three months later, the rebel army lost morale and gave up. Lorton Stevens was executed in the public square in Confluence, and his remains thrown into the sea.

After the conquest, Yorest wished to declare Jhiland an empire. The tribal council disagreed and voted against it. He then went to the Church and requested the archbishop's approval. The archbishop agreed, to the condition that Jhiland be named a Holy Empire. Reluctantly, Yorest agreed to the deal and took the title Holy Emperor. With the Church against them, the elders had no choice but to accept the proposal.

The Modern Age (50 BC-Present)

The Civil War marks the end of ancient history and modern history to the Jhils. The population of Jhiland has grown immensely and the nation is flourishing.

Political Decisions


Euthanasia is illegal


Fur coats have become the latest fashion trend

Law Enforcement

Sex offenders find themselves 'cut off' from any ability to repeat their crimes Expensive lawyers are hired to defend citizens in court for public urination charges against their pets


Almost half of the child population live rough on the streets Jhiland's airwaves are dominated by corporate-backed commercial radio


Grand Army of Jhiland

The Grand Army of Jhiland, or just the Army for short, is relatively small, mostly due to the fact that Jhiland is an island nation. General Neil Whitelow is the Army's Chief of Staff.

The Emperor's Navy

The Emperor's Navy, or just the Navy for short, is the largest branch of Jhiland's military. Over two million naval vessels are actively commissioned for use by the Navy. Admiral Javier Smelcer is the Navy's Chief of Staff.

The Jhiland Air Force

The Jhiland Air Force is the second largest branch of the military. Since the Navy does not operate any planes on its own, much of the Air Force is stationed on aircraft carriers. General Mathew Stam is the Air Force's Chief of Staff.

National Symbols

National Emblem

<div" class="plainlinksneverexpand">Garuda.gif
The national emblem of Jhiland

The national emblem of Jhiland features a golden Garuda wearing a coat of arms and holding a blue ribbon, which symbolizes the ties of land and sky.

The Garuda

The national animal is the Garuda. According to the Avian Church, Farraday the Garuda bestowed law and order upon the denizens of the world. The garuda, which lives on the mountaintops in the northern part of the country, was chosen to show the importance of the respect of law and order.

National Anthem

In 1873 AD, the national government decided to establish a national anthem. In an effort to reflect both national and religious pride, the council decided to make "Let Tyrants Shake Their Iron Rods" their national anthem. The biggest problem was the lyrics, since the original song referenced "God" and "New England." Jhils believe in three Bird-Gods and is not at all associated with England, so they hired a local lyrist to change these few problems. The result is the Jhiland National Anthem, "Let Tyrants Shake Their Iron Rods."


Let tyrants shake their iron rods,
And slavery clank her galling chains:
We see them not; we trust in them above:
Fair Jhiland’s Birds forever reign.

Tune: Let Tyrants Shake Their Iron Rods (Arrangement from cyberhymnal.org)