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Grand Duchy of Nuzhen
Official Language Beifanghua (北方話)
Other Languages Manchu
Khalka Mongol
Han'er (漢兒)
Capital and largest city Harbin, 24.4 million
Duke Lin Dewei
(Chinese name: 林德偉)
Prime Minister Du Hongyi
(Chinese name: 杜弘毅)
UN Representative Phillip Yang
(Chinese Name: 楊立成)
Population 372 million
Establishment 13 August 1521
Government type Republic
Nation type Constitutional Monarchy
Economy Type National-Socialist

The Grand Duchy of Nuzhen (Chinese: 大女真王國, Pinyin: Dà Nǚzhēn Wángguó) is a large developed country in Northeast Asia and the second largest member of the Confederation of Chinese Republics. At the moment, it also holds the seat of UN Delegate for the Confederation. Nuzhen comprises a landmass covering most of the Northern part of the Manchurian plain, as well as some parts of the Gobi desert, bordered by Federal Republic of Yakutia on the north, the Yalu River and Chaoxian Colony to the East, Menggu (Chinese Socialist Republic of Mongolia) in the West, and the rest of the Chinese Republics to the south.


The formal Beifanghua name for Nuzhen is "Dà Nǚzhēn Wángguó", which directly translated means "The Great Kingdom of Nuzhen", although in an old manuscript dated to 1730, the ruler of Nuzhen was indeed refered to by the Chinese word "gong" (公), roughly corresponding to the English word for Duke. The Chinese title was conferred upon Giocangga I, by the Chinese Emperor after Giocangga set out to unite the various Jurchen tribes. Later on, when Nuzhen became a protectorate of the Chinese Empire, Nuzhen was allowed to keep its name to show that it posessed de jure autonomy. It should be noted that the English-language classification of Nuzhen as a "Grand Duchy" does not appear in its Chinese equivalent in any of Nuzhen's historical manuscripts.

In the modern Era, the designation of "Kingdom" in Chinese is still used, although this is simply a matter of tradition, and holds little political reality. Nuzhen is only a monarchy in name, with the Duke having few powers. Its status as a Constitutional Monarchy, as well as the presence of a strongly Republican-style government allowed it entry into the Confederation of Chinese Republics in 2011. The Chancellery of Nuzhen voted 19-1 on May 12, 2015 against changing the formal name of Nuzhen.

People and Culture

Race and ethnicity

The majority of Nuzhen's population belongs to the Nordsinid cluster of the Mongoloid race. Though originally founded as a homeland for the Jurchen (later the Manchu) people, the long history of interaction of Nuzhen and China has effectively Sinicized the region in both ethnic and cultural regards. The latest National Census showed that over 84.6% of the Nuzhen's citizenry is of Han Chinese ethnicity. Ethnic minorities compose the rest of the population, and are distributed as follows:

Manchu (滿族)9.1%
Mongol (蒙古族) 4.0%
Russian (俄族)1.9%
Chaoxianese (朝鮮族) 0.3%

The census also reported 452,000 permanent residents of foriegn extraction, living in Nuzhen. Since these permanent residents are not citizens of Nuzhen, they are not included in the National Census, but have a seperate census, conducted by the Permanent Resident Affairs Office. The majority of these permanent residents are expatriates from North America or the former Baltic states in Europe.


The official language of the government in Nuzhen is Beifanghua Mandarin, which is essentially identical to Standard Mandarin used throughout the Confederation of Chinese Republics, although a heavy regional accent is evidently in some places. In addition, Manchu, Russian, and Mongol are spoken by the respective minorities in certain areas of Nuzhen. Korean is also spoken by a few thousand people in settlements along the Yalu River. In certain Autonomous Districts, local laws require that signage be written in both Chinese and the local minority language. This is especially true in the northernmost regions where Russians are almost the minority.

Also spoken in Nuzhen is the Han'er language. Han'er is a highly colloquialized form of the Chinese language. Though predominantly Mandarin, it contains many loan words and grammatical features from the Manchu and Mongol languages. Russian has also contributed many words to the vocabulary of Han'er, especially in the field of politics.


For the most part, Nuzhen is culturally Han Chinese, although there are Manchu elements that have been retained from the Qing dynasty of China. The Cultural Reformation of 2022 created an increased awareness of Nuzhen's national heritage, as well as a resurgence in "Cultural Conservatism". Arts such as poetry, painting and calligraphy are widely practiced among the conservative gentry of Nuzhen, and classes in these subjects are widely offered (and often required) as part of Nuzhen's secondary school education. Tradtional Beijing Opera and Chinese classical music have recently had a resurgence in their popularity. Chinese martial arts including wushu are considered a popular form of exercize for persons of all ages. Archery, played with a traditional recurve bow, as well as horseback riding are two of Nuzhen's favorite traditional sports. Popular games include weiqi (Chinese: 圍棋, Korean ba-duk 바둑) and European chess, which is especially popular among the Russian ethnic minority.

A nomadic culture still exists to a degree in the backwaters of Nuzhen, practiced by the descendants of the Mongol and Manchu tribesmen of the 18th century, however, in recent years many young people from the countryside have given up the nomadic lifestyle to settle down in small towns or look for work in larger cities.


All holidays in Nuzhen are celebrated on the Chinese Lunisolar Calendar. The following is a list of holidays.

Lunisolar Date English Name Chinese Name Remarks
Last day of 12th lunar month New Year's Eve 除夕 Cleaning the house, puting up new posters of "door gods" on front doors, fireworks before the family union dinner, which should be at least 10 course meal with a whole fish entree symbolizing the abundance of the coming year
1/1 Spring Festival (New Year's Day) 新年, 農曆新年, 春節 More fireworks after midnight, visiting in-laws
1/15 Lantern Festival 元宵節 Lantern parade and lion dance celebrating the first full moon
At the jie qi known as qing ming, solar longitude 15 degrees Qing Ming Jie (Tomb Sweeping Day) 清明節 Cleaning and offering at family tombs, spring outing
4/8 Buddha's Birthday 佛誕 Celebrated by Buddhists by temple visits
5/5 Dragon Festival 端午節 Dragon boat racing, eat Zongzi, commemorating the ancient poet Qu Yuan; drink yellow rice wine, related to the White Snake Lady legend
7/7 Double Seventh Festival 七夕 According to legend, the goddess "Zhi Nü" fell in love with the farmer boy "Niu Lang", but was disapproved by her mother goddess. As punishment, they were separated by the the Milky Way and could only meet once a year on this night.
7/15 Spirit Festival (Ghost Festival) 中元節
8/15 Mid-Autumn Festival (Moon Festival) 中秋節 Eat mooncake, family union meal, related to the legend of Chang'E
9/9 Double Ninth Festival 重陽節 Autumn outing and mountain climbing
11/9 Resumption Day also called "Victory" Day . Celebrates the triumph of the Confederation of Chinese Republics in the Eleven-Year War, and the establishment of renewed Chinese rule in Nuzhen. Observed by public parades in most large cities.
Day of the Winter Solstice (solar longitude 270 degrees) Winter Solctice Festival 冬至節 Feast day, family gatherings, also named "Chinese Thanksgiving"