Ragnar I

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Ragnar I “The Odinist”
Marital Status
Former Emperor of Hellaciousism

Ragnar I “The Odinist” was the founder and first emperor of Hellaciousism. He started the Hellacious Dynasty, which still reigns to this day. He was born into a powerful merchant family that lived on one of the many floating islands that would later make up Hellaciousism. As discontent against the ruling dukes of the islands exploded, Ragnar (full name: Ragnar Dycedarg Hellacious) used his position (and a fleet of airships that he had recently acquired after winning millions on a game show) in order to take control of the ensuing rebellion and personally remove each corrupt duke from power.

It was a difficult road, but Ragnar managed to defeat all of the dukes. The only time he had serious trouble was during apocalyptic final battle against the last duke. Legend has it that Ragnar was close to defeat, but then he gained his strongest Limit Break and proceeded to slice the duke apart. Upon that duke’s death, Ragnar stood straight and tall, and boldly issued his famous proclamation: “Damn… now what?” He then excused himself and tried entering a nearby McDonald’s to use the bathroom, but was thrown out because he wasn’t a customer.

Since Ragnar had killed all of the dukes, he had the responsibility of setting up a new government. He declared that the islands were now unified as the Empire of Hellaciousism, and that he would go ahead and be the emperor, Ragnar I “The Odinist”. The common people were okay with that, and so Hellaciousism was born.

Few records exist that describe Ragnar I’s time as emperor. He was succeeded by Ragnar II, one of his many sons.