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Basic Pronunciation

Guitarrish is a series of whistles. Only the finely tuned ear can understand a fluent speaker. The language is quite simply spoken if one has a musical ear.

It is 'spoken' by whistling the word(s) one wishes to speak, one letter or note, at a time.


A, A ♯, B, C, C ♯, D, D ♯, E, F, F ♯, G, G ♯

These transate as such:

A → A or O
B → B or P
C → C or R
D → D or S
E → E or T
F → F or U
G → G or J
A ♯ → H or X
C ♯ → I or W
D ♯ → K or V
F ♯ → L or Q
G ♯ → M or N

Due to the complications of double meanings, it is quite hard to understanad guitarrish. A comma separates letters and a | separates words.

Here is a translation of "the Quick Brown Fox jumped over the Lazy dog": E,A♯,E|F♯,F,C♯,C,D♯|B,C,A,C♯,G♯|F,A,A♯|G,F,G♯,B,E,D|A,D♯,E,C|E,A♯,E|F♯,A,D,E|D,A,G|

Y and Z are not included in the language, Z is replaced by S and Y is replaced by E


Guitarrish is a language that is native to The Beatle.

Early in the days of The Beatle, Paul McCartney encountered wild Electric Guitars in some of the Nation's forests. The Guitars spoke a language that is now know as Ancient Guitarrish. the Guitars communicated through notes, but thee was no alphabet. The notes would simply convey a feeling of something through their music. THis makes Ancient Guitarrish very beautiful, but hard to understand.

When the Beatle was founded as the RIngo Harrison Sultanate, George Harrison was able to create a language that both Humans and Guitars can speak and understand, Modern guitarrish.