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Nation: Divine Imperium of Novar Ohan
Capital: Aleksograd
Leader: Premier Ivan Artin

Roan is the south-central state of the Divine Imperium of Novar Ohan. It is bordered on its eastern flank by the Mountains of Sorrow and on its west by Agua. In so far as such a thing could be said to exist, Roan is the home of the Roanians proper, and its people are the most stereotypical, in that they are incorruptible (if they look likely to be caught), introverted and totally without scruples in the game of advancement.

Needless to say, they have taken to parliamentary democracy like fish take to water.

Roan and Roania

The stereotype of Imperial Citizens is that they are all tall, tanned from the desert, and religiously attached to power. In reality, such a stereotype would be more accurate when applied to the Roanians proper, who in reality make up only 20% of the population. (A strange thing is that if you lined up 100 randomly selected Imperials, at least 35 would be Aguans.)

The Roanians themselves control a disproportionately large amount of the Imperial Legions and the bureacracy. When question on this, however, they only stare blankly. They have ruled the Imperium for so long now that it becomes difficult for them to picture a world where things are otherwise. This isn't to say that they are particularly uncaring, they just feel that since they won the war, they deserve the benefits.

Generally, Roanians do well in hierarchical societies, and their culture is such that from birth they are trained to always slot into their proper place in any setting. Generally, of course, this is at the top.

Roanians and Water

It is not true that Roanians are genetically allergic to water. Like many desert people, the ocean does fill them with dread and terror beyond imagining, and a placebo effect can cause slight discomfort when confronted with salt water. Very few Roanians have any skill in swimming.

Roanian Government

The Roanians are almost unique amongst the people of the Divine Imperium in that their internal government does not have any aristocratic head of state. Instead, the Emperor of Novar Ohan also holds the hereditary title of Prince of Roan.

The State Duma is a unicameral body, with elected representatives from across the territory. The Premier is chosen from the parliament. Currently the office-holder is Ivan Artin, MD of Tyr-on-the-Karlyn.

Recent Roanian History

For the past 135 years, Roan has been the premier state of the Imperium. From 1889 to 1931, the Stronghold of Roan (now renamed Aleksograd after the city's founder) served as the capital of the Divine Imperium, until Emperor Alexander II restored that status to the Most Holy City of Tarnaqin.

Recently Premier Artin has engaged in a modernising scheme, designed to bring Roan back to the forefront of the Imperial Consciousness, with a focus upon technology and educating children for an increasingly open society.

Roanians and Foreigners

Many Roanians harbour a harsh dislike for foreigners (a title expanded to include even fellow citizens of the Divine Imperium of Novar Ohan). This stems, in large part, from lack of contact. Until 1941, it was forbidden for any non-citizen to enter Roan, and other citizens required internal passports.

Recently, however, there has been a thaw and tourists are starting to travel to Aleksograd.


The southern portion is primarily desert, studded with oases. In the north, plains and shrubland. Roan is bounded on the west by