The Wild Cards

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The Wild Cards
Code Name: The Wild Cards
Role: Elite group of agents working for the B.I.S.
Leader: Archduke Berkley/ Ace
Nationality: Beejaya
Country: The Grand Duchy of Beejaya

The Wild Cards was the code name of an elite group of agents working within the Beejayan Intelligence Serivices. The group consisted of the best agents of the agency. Recenty declassified files have shown that these people were known members of the group.

  • Grand Duke Berkley
    • Codename: Ace
  • Duchess Celeya
    • Codename: Angel
  • Duchess Leigh
    • Codename: Lucky
  • Prince Hollmitch
    • Codename: Hollywood
  • Baron Walrus
    • Codename: Raging Walrus
  • Baroness Ruby
    • Codename: El Prez


The Wild Cards were formed when all six agents graduated from classified school that trains agents for field operations. The six graduated at the top of their class and through the years of education formed a close friendship. While most friends are split up, the Beejayan Intelligence Services does keep certain groups together when tests show that they are more efficient together than apart. Although most records still remain classified, this is the only known occasion where a group this large was kept together. The code name of the group was given to the members during school due to their unusual and innovative methods used to solve the tests given to them. It is also rumored that their wild behavior and occasional card playing contributed to this reputation as well.

Missions Within The B.I.S.

While most records remain classified, what can be garnered from released documents is that this group of agents played some of the most important roles in protecting Beejaya. Ranging from covert espionage, the stealing of patents from other countries, to counter insurgency there was very little the agents did not do. Anonymous sources credit them with the giving the Beejayan Military the latest in weapon designs and intelligence on the enemies of the state. This led to the beginning of a deep and mutual trust between the military of Beejaya and the members of the group.

Operation Snake Head

One of the few missions that has been publicly acknowledge took place a year after they became active agents. Neighbors to the north of Beejaya amassed troops along the border and plan to invade. While the Beejayan had recently acquired weapon design stolen by the Wild Cards, they had not yet mass produced them. The Beejayan Military could not withstand a full scale assault from the armies amassed to the north.

Acting against orders and without sanction from the government, the agents on Ace's initiative left Beejaya and over the course of 3 days kidnapped the entire military leadership of the enemy. In a panic, the government ordered an attack. This disorganized assault was quickly defeated by the Beejayan military. Upon returning to Beejaya, all six agents were ejected from the agency and jailed for disobeying orders. However, days later Grand Duke Hart (Grandfather of Grand Duke Day) overturned this decision and reinstated them to the agency. This cemented the reputation of the Wild Cards, especially Ace, to be somewhat of a loose cannon but always acting in the best interest of the country.

Assassination Attempt

As years passed, the Wild Cards continued through its missions with great success. However as the years passed friction developed between the Wild Cards and the head of the B.I.S., Col. Blair. Often, on orders from Ace, the Wild Card would go on missions that were not sanctioned by the agency. Each time when charges were brought against the group, the Grand Duke would dismiss them. This favoritism eventually led to Col. Blair plotting to assassinate the Grand Duke.

As the Grand Duke was advanced in age, he decided to step down from the throne and retire leaving his grandson the throne. He planned to make this announcement at his birthday gala, held every year at the Royal Palace. Col. Blair, in charge of security, decided that this was the perfect time to assassinate him. Recruiting rogue agents within the agency, the plan was set to attack moments before the Grand Duke would make his appearance and announcement.

However, The Wild Cards caught wind of the plot while in another country. They had been sent there purposely by Col. Blair specifically so they would be out of the country when the plan was set into motion. Aborting their mission and flying back, they parachuted into the palace. As no one had been informed about this, they had to secretly sneak into their own monarch's palace, disabling guards as they went along. Moments before the rouge agents made their hit, Ace and Angel took them out in front of the Grand Duke and his grandson. El Prez, Hollywood, Lucky, and Walrus arrested the remaining agents and Col. Blair.

As a final act of thanks and gratitude, Grand Duke Hart placed Ace as Head of the B.I.S. This appointment was confirmed by his grandson, Grand Duke Day after his coronation.


While many of it's missions remain classified, the loyalty of the military and the intelligence services to Grand Duke Berkley is a testament of his service to the country. It is also reported that the other members of the group have similar amounts of respect due to their service as well. It is widely reported that the group still plays cards at least once a month.