Beejayan Military

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The military of Beejaya is a extremely well funded area. With 30% of the national budget, the military has the latest in weapons and spends a decent amount of money on research. While it is widely rumored that most of it's technology has been lifted from other nations, the government maintains that all of it's weapons and patents have been developed on their own. However it should be noted that virtually no one takes this statement seriously. An unsual aspect of the military that is not copied by many forces is the encouragement of relationships within units. Soildiers and officers alike are encourage to form emotional and physical relationships. The thought behind this is that a solider is more likely to die for someone he or she loves then a friend. This has proved to be a great advantage for Beejaya on the Battlefield.

Royal Guard of Beejaya

Uniform of Beejayan Royal Guard

These are prehaps the most well trained men and women in the military. Trained in many different areas, they are a verscitle fighting force. Their unit, the 3rd Beejayan Heavy Guards is one of the most feared units within the military. Ruthless and fanatical, they serve the Grand Duke without question. However the current Grand Duke has reined in this fanaticalism, but has maintained the intense loyality of the unit. Memebers of this unit are often hand picked to serve as the personal guard of high ranking members of the goverment. It is widely reported that the Grand Duke has an all female detail.

Members of this unit are also often selected for missions directed by the B.I.S. Reliable and deadly, these troops are extremely well trained to handle most if not all situations. Soldiers from all over the Beejayan armed forces try every year to pass mental and physical tests just to be considered for a transfer to this unit. To wear their distinctive uniform is considered a great honor within the military.

Weapons Currently Used By The Military

The Beejayan military equips their soldiers with a wide array of weapons for the battle feild. Do not consider this list the definitive list of weapons used by the military. Rather these lists are publically what the military says they arm thier soliders with.

Assault Rifle

The military has recently upgraded to the XM8 lightweight assault rifle. Mass produced within Beejaya, this versitle rifle has been eagerly accepted within the ranks. The rifle can be changed into an assault rifle, compact carbine, or a sharpshooter varient. All troopers, including the Royal Guard carries this weapon.



There are several pistol's soldiers can choose from. The standard issued pistol is the Walther P99. Highly accurate and durable, most soldiers and officers carry this as their side arm. Special agents and personal guard often carry the Walther PPK due to its smaller size and therefore easier to conceal. Another weapons often found within the ranks is the FN-90. This submachine gun has a large clip and has armor peircing capabilities. This is the perferred weapon of the personal guard of the Grand Duke.

Walther P99

Walther PPKitle

FN P90

Armoured Vehicles

Tank divisions within the military are equiped with the Challenger 2 main battle tank. One of the most advanced and heavily amoured tank currently in production it is widely expected to be in the service for the next fourty years. Heavy infantry are equiped with the Warrior. This infantry fighting vehicle carries up to seven troops into battle and can keep up with thrusting elements of the armoured divisions. Mechinized infantry use the FV 432 because it has a larger troop compliment.

Challenger 2


FV 432



For transportation purposes, from troops to leaders, the military employs the CH-53E Super Stallion. Equipped with the latest electronics, it often serves as the command copter for covert operations. With the ability to carry 55 soldiers it also serves as the main troop carrying craft within the military. For attack helicopters, the military is equiped with the PAH-2 Attack Tigre, one of the most advance helicopters offered today.

CH-53E Super Stallion

PAH-2 Attack Tigre

Fighters and Strike Aircraft

For air to air combat the Beejayan Air Force, or B.A.F, employs the advanced Sukhoi 47 with its forward swept wing design. The Beejayan military has embraced this technology as most feel it will give them a large advantagein the skies. The jets are armed with typical air to air missles and vulcan machine guns. For close air support of ground troops, the military goes the other way by employing the old but reliable A-10 Warthog to support ground opperations.


A-10 Warthog

Tatical Bombers

For striking deep into an enemy's territory, the B.A.F. employs the B-1 Lancer. With 75,000 lbs of worth of bombs and missles, the deployment of these planes often indicate that the government is expecting trouble in the near future. The government also refuses to confirm or deny the exsistance of aircraft that employ stealth technology. However several expensive, but classified items can be found on the yearly budget. When asked what these items were, a spokesmen for the Beejayan Military declined to comment.

B-1 Lancer