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The Holy Stiloan Empire of Kokomy

is an Empire made up of several Grand-Duchies that takes up much of Europe, Paladin States.

Koko empire.jpg

Politics and Government

Sarah mclachlan.jpg Empress Annabelle of the Holy Stiloan Empire

The Empress holds power of law-making, foreign policy and constitutional change. The domestic policy of each Grand-Duchy is made in different ways. For instance, in Kokomy a democratic parliament makes laws, whereas in Balkedonie the Grand-Duke creates all laws.

History of Kokomy

The ancient Kokomian civilisation conquered vast lands and was the dominant force was centuries, until it was brought down by barbarian hordes. Kokomy remained a small state under a strong monarchy, experiencing indsutrial revolution in the early 1800s. King Alexei was forced to abdicate in 1919 when workers in the capital, Koko, stormed his palace. The leader of the revolutionaries, Fifi Schnelle (see image) became President and remained so until her death in 1947. Civil War followed between those who sought reinstatement of the monarchy (King Alexei's grandaughter, Alexandra) and the supporters of the revolution. By 1951 the monarchists were defeated and the Second Republic was declared. A democratic constituion was signed and a parliament opened. In 2005 Annabelle Bragg let a coup which culminated in her becoming Empress and founding the Kokomian Empire.


Balkedonie is a small Grand-Duchy in the Balkans/Greece. Grand-Duke Alkedon I was King of Balkedonie before joining the Empire, and maintains almost total political control of his Grand-Duchy.

Wentworth miller2.jpg Grand-Duke Emmanuel Dirigent at his country house in Southern Gent

Gent is the area of France taken from Land of Serenity, and Corsica is an island recently taken from Mucche Pazze. General Emmanuel Dirigent,who gained these lands, was awarded them as a Grand-Duchy. Emmanuel is known as "the darling of the Empire" and is hugely popular.

Jogiches.jpg Grand-Duke Grigori Mona

Rulgaria has been in union with Kokomy since before the Empire. Grand-Duke Grigori Mona led a revolution there to overthrow the monarchy and joined forces with Kokomy. Empress Annabelle made him Grand-Duke when she took her crown, and rumours suggest he only agreed so that Rulgaria would maintain autonomy rather than be invaded and lose independence. Mona has criticised the Empress many times.

Stilo City is an independent city in Crimea, Rulgaria. The City is centre of Stiloanity and the seat of the Prophet Stilo.