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Masapa, an old city founded in 1799 by a few rich landowners who wanted to set themselves free from the annoying and big brother like watchdogs of the colonial powers and to start their own slave based cotton and rice plantations. Masapa was this town called (renamed to Neu-Köln in 1891; renamed to Neu-Gooshen in 2005 after Gooshen was overrun by French and Oos Seeland troops). Masapa gained the questionable reputation of becoming the major slave trade hub in Guffingford, and some even compared it to Tabora in German East Africa back then. Masapa meant in the language of the slaves: Workers' Home. Although bastardized heavily and the meaning ideological, it was easy to remember for many.

Although people hatefully rejected to go there, citizens also liked to have a plate with rice or a cotton jersey so while looking into a different direction they loved to trade with Masapa. This went well until slavery was banned by Lord Somerton in 1872. Slavery was banned in all the colonies and other small areas that fell under the colonial jurisdisction. Masapa however, was carefully located by the sly landowners and therefore it was placed beyond any reach of an administration. This was a major concern of the British in particular, since they pushed the Anti-Slavery Act of 1872 through the Colonial Consortium of Guffingford. Several slave riots were brutally surpressed by the authorities, whom were released or escaped convicts, mercenaries or corrupt policemen sent into exile from other free cities.

Years later, in 1890 the Masapa Tensions broke out, a number of disturbances in the city and on the surrounding countryside. The British decreed that the pressing Masapa situation became unbearable and a liability and sent a regiment of 5000 Grenadiers, a cannon batallion and support cavalry to the city. Because of the distance between the two locations, the Germans told the British they'd take care of it. The British did not entirely trust the intentions of the German ambassador in Brittenborough and continued the troop transportation.

The Germans (obviously) got there a week before the British could arrive and in the time gap the Germans secretly made a deal with Mayor Gart Jamie of Masapa. He arranged that if the Germans kept the British away, they'd take care of the slave riots. And so it happened. Under the watchful eyes of the German colonial forces, sixty two men, women and children were executed the same night. This caused a major shock throughout the world, and sped up the process initiated by Freestate Oos Seeland to receive a higher grade of independence from Knootoss. Some even say that this whole thing was pre-arranged, just to become independence a lot sooner. Although it was known for years, but Masapa was sitting on huge reserves of copper. If the British came there, they'd surely claimed the town as their own. In 1903 years after Masapa was renamed to Neu-Köln, and one year after Guffingford gained indepence from Knootoss (consisting of only the Freestates Rooi-Nassau, Oos Seeland and Suidlike Kaap Vrystaat) the Guffingfordians started up a joint corporation with the German colonial office. This joint corporation main purpose was copper extraction from the soil beneath Masapa.

Jolt thread pending.