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Godmode, Godmod, Godmoding, and Godmodding are all equally acceptable terms for this phenomenon.

What Godmoding is:

Saying what happens to other people's stuff.

Example: "Okay, I just blew up 300,000 of your troops!"

Why this is Godmoding: Because in FreeForm Roleplay, it's up to the person being attacked to determine their own losses. This leads to...

Refusing to take any losses. Or lose. Ever.

Example: "Oh, well, my soldiers had personal forcefields so none of them were actually hurt. "

Why this is Godmoding: This is probably where godmoding gets its name (from God Mode in Doom, where you were invincible after typing IDDQD). Naturally, if nobody ever takes a hit, the fight degenerates into "I HIT YOU!" "NO YOU DIDN'T!", etc.

Having übertech, armies that are too large, etc.

Example: A 2 day old nation with a population of 6 million posts "My 6 billion man army in vades u with NUKES!!!!1"

Why this is Godmoding: Okay, little guy nations, I know you're anxious to start throwing your weight around, but let's be honest; you are piddling nothings when you first start out in the world. You really shouldn't start with nukes, and your army shouldn't ever be more than 5% of your population(that's for what you can field...the rest represents non-coms, supply lines, factories, etc).

Troops and Godmoding

As well as the troops that just won't die, godmoding extends to troops which do other interesting things.

Stealth Troops

"Stealth" is a cool word, but it doesn't mean "invisible". A stealth bomber is just harder to detect than an ordinary one is on radar - ditto stealth fighters. To my knowledge, there is no such thing as a "stealth tank", "stealth rocket launcher" or anything else like that.

Invisible Troops

The temptation with magic (of any description) is to make people and things invisible. Thus, "my invisible tank has driven into the middle of your city. HA HA." Think about this for a minute. Invisibility only extends to sight - an "invisible tank" would still make noise, especially when it shot you. "Invisible troops" would be even harder to work with, doors would open by themselves and all those orders of the sergeants would be very audible.

Very Fast Troops

NationStates is a big place. You might have a large army, but if it's all on one side of the world fighting in one war, it can't suddenly appear on the other side of the world fighting in another war. In other words, your battalions can only be in one place at once.

Unknown Logistics

Having your hundreds of thousands of troops marching across the desert to attack the fortress is less plausible if you don't incorporate a realistic supply train.

Acts of God

The cheapest godmode tactic of them all -- invoking God. Surely there is nothing more repugnant than that, especially to those of us who -are- religious. This is a game. God has better things to do with His time than intercede in someone's RPing.

Addtional Information

What Logistics is
