Riordan Likonesse

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Riodan Likonesse.
Supreme Overseer of the Office for Foreign and Extra Solar Affairs.
Twenty-Eighth Sunrise of the Twelfth Period, the year of Earth Ascension Four Hundred and Seventy Four.

Riordan Likonesse is the Supreme Overseer of the Office for Foreign and Extra Solar Affairs, possibly the most peculiar department of the Aengelistoria Dominica; despite practising isolationism in its extreme being signatory to two major alliances as the Triumvirate of Yut and the Non-Democratic Alliance requires considerable effort on the behalf of logistics. Furthermore there is dialogue as a daily side effect of being allied- Intelligence, announcements and matters of international interest that must be dealt with.

Though the Office for Foreign and Extra Solar Affairs deals fully with the care of Kaeneians abroad, none currently reside outside the authorised borders or territories of the Serene^Union and consequently this service is stated rather than carried out.