Government and politics of the Serene Death

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The Serene Death is a republic with powers shared between the federative branch led by the President of the Serene Death, the executive branch led by the Executive Council, the judicial branch headed by the Judicial Tribune and the legislature called the National Assembly. The president is chief of state when dealing with foreign affairs and is elected for a term of 5 years. He appoints a Cabinet who helps him run the federative branch and all foreign dealings. The 25 members of the Executive Council are elected to 4-year terms, and appoint their own Cabinet to help run the domestic policies of the government. The 2,000 members of the House of Parliament are elected to 2-year terms and the 522 members of the Senate are elected to 6-year terms. The Serene Death's federal judicial system comprises a Judicial Tribunal, Courts of Appeal, and States District Courts.

Country name

  • conventional long form: The Armed Federal Republic of the Serene Death
  • conventional short form: The Armed Federal Republic, The Serene Death

Note: the Serene people's generally use the term "The Republic" to refer to their country

  • abbreviation: AFRSD

Data code


Government type

Constitution-based Federal Republic; strong democratic tradition


Ini (population 29,560,000); Tinia system (Population 38,593,000)

Administrative divisions

5 Fortified Metropolitan Planets (FMP(s)), 17 Militant Systems (MS(s)), 6 Coordinated Sectors (CS(s)), and 7 Territorial Sectors (TS(s)).

Note: The Territorial Sectors have no names and the Free Zone is not administered, but is still considered Armed Republic territory. Also, the Serene Death claims ownership of the nations of Fallen Earth and Sorvosi, but do not actually have any control over the naitons.


After the destruction of the Free Zone Alliance and the Organization for Independent Peoples, the nation was created so that the people would no longer fight amongst themselves. Created at 1 AR (creation is start of calander). Constitution finalized and signed by all governmental bodies during the year 3 AR.

National holiday

Week of the Serene Vale (Remembrance Week)

  • Day of Exodus (People fled Free Zone, 1st day of week)
  • Armed Forces Day (Salute to military, 3rd day of week)
  • Survivors’ Day (Salute to those that survived the war, 4th day of week)
  • Remembrance Day (Salute to those who died in the Free Zone War, 5th day of week)
  • Restoration Day (Remade the government, also know as Republic Day, last day of week)

Election Day (day when offices are elected, day off for most everyone so they can go vote)
Workers' Day (day of celebration for the social and economic achievments of workers, recently added)


Legal system

Federal court system at national level, each Militant System and FMP maintains its own legal system. The Territories have a small court system that is a part of the federal system.


18 years of age; universal; manditory

Federative Branch

  • Chief of State: President Akiri Wall (Culta-Gen)
  • Cabinet: Cabinet of Dominars appointed by the President with Assembly and Executive approval. Head Domains (Departments).
    • Dominar of Commerce and Trade: Faith Shiomi
    • Dominar of Defence: Freddy Summers
    • Dominar of Foreign Relations: Jean-Paul Fellow
    • Dominar of External Intelligence: Nyasko Draken (Culta-Gen)
    • Dominar of Immigration: Muna Flar (Culta-Gen)
  • Elections: president elected by a plurality popular vote (30%) for five-year terms (max of 2 terms); Presidential election last held 1680 AR.
  • Election results:
    • Akiri Wall (Culta-Gen) [INP], 41.1% (President)
    • Arjun Wayan [DDG], 29.4%
    • Senator Calvin Frederickson [HU], 25.2%
    • Marshal Yran'ynt Staritole [PFDJ], 1.8%
    • 2.5% went to other candidates.

Executive branch

  • Executive Council: The 25 member council is elected to a 5-year term and cannot server more than 1 term consecutively (though total number is not limited). The council appoints the Dominar of State, as well as runs the country, performing the duties of a president through council actions and through the Dominar of State.
  • Head of government: Dominar of State: Miranda Keroi (Culta-Gen)

Note - the head of government is appointed by the Executive Council and is an administrative role

  • Cabinet: Cabinet of Dominars appointed by the Dominar of State with Assembly and Federative approval. Head Domains (Departments).
    • Dominar of Education: Primo C. Bastatto
    • Dominar of Internal Intelligence: Cristiana Venizelos
    • Dominar of Health: Sue-Ann Gisele
    • Dominar of Law and Justice: George W. Caporell
    • Dominar of Transportation: Randy Dodinas
    • Dominar of Equality and Culture: Gilberto Gil (Culta-Gen)
    • Dominar of Agriculture: Stephanie McGuffin
    • Dominar of Transplanetary Politics: Bianca Winters
    • Dominar of Interior and the Territories: Robert Lovinos
    • Dominar of Science and Technology: Al Wasto
    • Dominar of Social Welfare: Stephanie Johnson
    • Dominar of Labour: Dave Jefferson
    • Dominar of Energy: Aria Grimusk (Culta-Gen)
  • Elections: executive council members elected in groups of 5 every year for 5-year terms. Last held 1680 AR.
  • Election results:
    • Workers' Party (WRP) 21.5%, 1 seat
    • The Democratic Front for Peace and Equality/Democratic Defense Guild (DFPE/DDG) 19.4%, 1 seat
    • Indigenous Nationalist Party/Democratic-Republican Party (INP/DRP)19.1%, 1 seat
    • Homeland Union/National United Front (HU/NUF)16.2%, 1 seat
    • People's Front for Democracy and Justice/Alliance of New Citizens (PFDJ/ANC) 15.8%, 1 seat
    • 8% went to other parties

Legislative branch

  • Legislative body: Bicameral National Assembly consists of the Senate (upper house consisting of 3 Senators from each planet or system with over 1 million citizens; 174 planets/systems currently makes up 522 senators) and the House of Parliament (lower house consisting of 2000 seats divided among parties by % of popular votes).
  • Elections: Senators are elected for six year terms every 2 years. Parliment seats are filled every 2 years. last held -
  • Election results: Senate seats by party - ; House of Parliament seats by party -
  • Legislative Leaders:President Pro Tempore of the Senate - Senator Calvin Frederickson [HU]; Speaker of the House of Parliament - Kara Vokyt (Culta-Gen) [DDG]

Judicial branch

  • Judicial Tribune:
    • All judges must have served in the Armed Republic military for a minimum of 4 years to be eligible for position
    • 9 judges sit on Tribune for up to 30 years
    • Justices are appointed by the president subject to the consent of the National Assembly.
    • Justices rule over the constitutionality of all Presidential and Congressonal acts as well as those of lower areas of government and is the last leg in the appeals.

Political parties and leaders

The political parties are split into their separate ideologies, and are listed in this fashion: Name (Party symbol) (Party Leader).

Parties with a * next to them are the most prominent in their division. Ones with ** are the second most prominent in their division. If two parties are listed in the same line, the second is a minority party allied with the first.

Communist/Socialist Parties

The Democratic Socialist Party/Militant Socialist Movement (DSP/MSM) (Alistair Tetley/ Prudence Rubin) **
People's Revolutionary Party/Party of Corporate Unity (PRP/PCU) (Ivan Guryev/ Arnu Narth)
Workers' Party (WRP) (Leonard Coolings) *

Leftist Parties

Citizens' Party (CP) (Chastity Jones)
The Democratic Front for Peace and Equality/Democratic Defense Guild (DFPE/DDG) (Samuel O'Bannon/ Arjun Wayan) *
Libertarian Republican Party/Labor-Progressive Party (LRP/LPP) (Billy-Bob O'Bannon/ Jack Wu) **

Centrist Parties

Indigenous Nationalist Party/Democratic-Republican Party (INP/DRP) (Akira Wall [Culta-Gen]/ Billy Jong ) *
People's Front for Democracy and Justice/Alliance of New Citizens (PFDJ/ANC) (Marshal Yran'ynt Staritole/ Clin Dutop [Culta-Gen])
Radical Center Party/Centrist Peoples' Party (RCP/CPP) (Opotu Nareda [Culta-Gen]/ Jay Ludo) **

Conservative Parties

Citizens' Action Party/People's Rally Cry (CAP/PRC) (Prudence Li/ Buy Jefferson) *
Civic Democratic Union (CDU) (Larry Misol) **
Homeland Union/National United Front (HU/NUF) (Senator Calvin Frederickson/ Naki King)

Reactionist Parties

The Constitutionalist Party/Conservative National Congress (TCP/CNC) (Thomas Broadside/ Stewart Ronalds) **
Infinite Power Party/Imperial Conservative Party (IPP/ICP) (Faith Licorish/ Daniel Collins) *
Religious Power Party (RPP) (Rev. Timothy Pendall)

Political pressure groups

  • Association of Allied Junkers
  • Business Owner's League
  • Explorer's League of Independent Workers
  • Federation of Serene Industries
  • Federation of Serene Trade Unions
  • Interplanetary Education Association
  • Interplanetary Labor Organization
  • Serene Confederation of Trade Unions
  • Serene National Council of Temples
  • Serene Traders Association
  • National Council of Labor Unions
  • National Democratic Alliance of Serenity
  • National Federation of Farmers' Associations
  • National Federation of Student Associations
  • National Science Association

International organization participation

Deep Space Coalition (semi-defunct)
Federation Trade Union (semi-defunct)
Intergalactic Trade Hub
(Intergalactic Senate?)

Embassy Row

Serene Death Embassies

Huntarian Capital (Galactic Empire of Huntaer)
Level 2; Section 2 of the Trekys Embassy Station (United States of Trekys)
Deck 119 of the Gamora Orbital Diplomatic City (Calpian Empire) [Non-Aggression Pact]
Oceanside 1 sq. km plot on Embassy Planet (Eshirian Sovereignty) [Non-Aggression Pact]

Other Nations' Embassies

Galactic Empire of Huntaer (on Ini)
United States of Trekys (on Ini)
Calpian Empire (on Ini)
Eshirian Sovereignty (on Ini)

Territorial Claims

Sorvosi, break-away criminal government
Fallen Earth, lost colonies still under federal charter. In negotiations for Fallen Earth to become an autonomous region within the Serene Death.

Flag description

The Flag of the Serene Death is white, with a horizontal blue stripe in the center superimposed on a vertical red band, also centered; five white, five-pointed stars are arranged in an oval pattern in the center of the blue band. The five stars represent the five Fortified Metroploitan Planets, which were the founding colonies of the Serene Death.

<div" class="plainlinksneverexpand">netherlands_antilles.jpg
The flag of The Serene Death

See also