User talk:Frisbeeteria

From NSwiki, the NationStates encyclopedia.
Revision as of 15:33, 5 November 2004 by Frisbeeteria (Talk | contribs)

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Archive disc_right.gif sail one past me ... and (~~~~) sign it, please.

You're welcome. Al-Imvadjah 00:08, 3 Nov 2004 (GMT)

what happened

Fris, I have edited the Quebradan History Timeline. Is it o.k. to have a quick looksee to see if i haven't done anything wrong (wrong, meaning broken lots of NS Wiki rules) please. Also did you underline every article name in the Quebrada Military History? If you did you do it?

Sincerely, Quebrada

Regarding your comments over the last two days

I can't be bothered contributing to the wiki if I can't even have a couple of information pages in addition to the reams of roleplaying material I have prepared and write every day. Feel free to request the deletion of all my pages -Saved you the trouble. The PayPal donation I had already begun the process of sending has also been cancelled. Independent Wiccans 19:11, 5 Nov 2004 (GMT)

as Independent Wiccans is deleting his pages, I replied ...
Do you get similarly pissed when the librarian asks you not to write notes in the encyclopedias? Your attitude puzzles and annoys me, as your argument appears to be, "My stuff is so good that you need to bend the rules for me". There are places where such material can go, even though it's not recommended at either Wikipedia or NSwiki. Rather than explore your options, you throw bile back at me. Frankly, I don't care if you stay or go, but you can follow the rules if you stay. → Fris Θtalk 19:18, 5 Nov 2004 (GMT)