Comrade Anessen

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Comrade Anessen
Comrade of Free Socialist Wales
Political Ideaology
Communist, Liberal Socialist
Personal Quote
"I am a dedicated and loyal ally, and the deadliest and most hateful of enemies."

Comrade Anessen

Anessen was born in Wiltshire, in England. He later moved to Caernarfon in North Wales at the age of 18. He was a dedicated Socialist, and was always seen wearing his black, scruffy trenchcoat.


Anessen joined the Welsh Communist Party, which became the Socialist Party. He became leader after the death of Morgan Wythman, who died because he could not afford to be treated under the new privatised health system. Anessen turned the party into a violent revolutionary force, gaining support rapidly. There were thousands and thousands of people secretly associated with the Socialist party by the time of the Great Welsh Revolt.


Anessen is reported to be a Liberal Socialist, with the eventual aim of reaching Communist Autonomy.