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Nation: Prussiatopia
Function: Capital City, Administrative Capital and One of Four Economic Centers
Population: 25 Million as of real-year start 2006
Leader: McMadman Henlasdaucher

Borderton is the Capital City, Administrative Capital, and One of the Four Economic Centers of Prussiatopia, and was the original name for the Zimbergian colony that started off in Greenland, which grew into part of the Prussiatopian Province (The Prussiatopian Province still occupied mainly Germany and USSR), in which when it had reached 1,000,000 in Population, Prussiatopia became independent.

Some Historics & Economy Information

Being part of one of the two S.A.R's and a vital Economic Center, they are exempt from the 100% tax rate and so have much more economic freedom than the mainland. Borderton with Greater Borderton (pop. 67,000,000) makes up about 10% of Prussiatopia's GDP, but only 1.64% - 1.7% of the Population, meaning GDP Per Capita here is approx $210,000.

This had always high levels of wealth compared to the "Main-Land", even under Chris Gillon "extreme-Communist rule", when the S.A.R itself reached an all time low in GDPPC of about $16,900 (compared with the mainland at $2,600, this was very high). Borderton ranks as the 3rd highest-populated city in Prussiatopia, after Ipu Heights S.A.R. (32,400,000) and New Canada City (36,000,000). Borderton ranks as 1st in GDPPC, and 2nd in GDP (Ipu Heights contains 11% of Prussiatopian GDP). Borderton, despite being capital city, has never been the location of the Presidents House. As part of tradition, the President lives in the rural country side, and must go to parliament on a bycycle. This is to share the Burden of Poverty among the Mainlanders, and stops them from becoming "blinded by Commerce and big lights".

Borderton had always a reputation of being "The Big Blindfold behind the Prussiatopian Devistation" back in the days of the Upi Upian Liberal Delegateship. Traffic and Construction are two main problems of Borderton, the city and the city's economy has both rapid growth rates, and actually balances out the failing MainLand. Prussiatopia's "Go-North" initiative did raise growth rates in the mainland, but not enough to go back in the Positive. Before the initiative, the economic growth rate was -7%, now it's just short of -0.2%. However, overall the growth rate has still risen from stagnant to well in the positive (3/4% bracket). The dialect of Greenlandic in Borderton is "Double Dutchlandic", noted for its phonetical similiaralities to the Dutch Language. The dialect of English spoken in Borderton is Borderspeak, noted for its Dutch-structure influence (Instead of "Do you like?", you'd hear things like "How do you like it?").

The city itself is home to the biggest Drug-Shops in Arctic, due to its lax Drug Laws. You can buy weed at the counter as long as you're over 14, and have literacy in English. It has given the young of Borderton incentive to learn how to read.

Borderton in Pictures

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