Section 6

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The Royal Kosmanian Constitutional Police (also known as Die Königliche Kosmanische Konstitutionelle Polizei, KKKP, K3P, and most commonly, Section 6) is an alleged secret state police at work within the Kingdom of Kosmania.

History and Name

Rumors of a secret state police date back to the early 1920s, when a communist revolution led to the secession of the southern provinces and the formation of the independent South Kosmania. Many found it odd that the north did not fall to the same revolution (the north was experiencing the very same economic stagnation as the south). Political pundits on the radio began speaking of a "state police that kept Kosmania free" just weeks after the revolution in the south was over.

The late Helmut Schröder is credited with the coining of the term Section 6. The name refers to the only line of the sixth section of the first article of the Kosmanian constitution, which says:

And the Crown shall have at its disposal, all means necessary to enforce this constitution as the supreme law of the Kingdom.

In the early 2000s, liberal commentator Otto Morgenstern used the name Royal Kosmanian Constitutional Police to refer to Section 6. The name was used satirically, with Morgenstern saying that KKKP was the only name worthy of "such a dutiful and pristine organization."