Sea of Cervidia

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The Sea of Cervidia is a body of water located in The Heartland region that is surrounded by the continent of Ratio on the east; the continent of Prudentia to the west, south, and north; the Nolan Sound to the northeast; and the Mauvidian Sea to the southeast. Though the Sea of Cervidia is only officially recognized to be the body of water that seperates the nations of West Kompu Ru, and Loveworld on the continent of Ratio with the nations of Lower Biswald and Miria on the continent of Prudentia it is now commonly used by all nations on both continents to describe the entire body of water that seperates Prudentia from Ratio.

A number of rivers from both Ratio and Prudentia empty into the Sea of Cervidia which have helped to allow rich fishing grounds to develop along the sea on both continents.

Coastal cities along the [Sea of Cervidia]] of note include the capital of Loveworld, Great Jason, along with the notorious PopularFreedom cities of Loyalty Bay, and Victory Union.