Friendly Aliens Exodus

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Friendly Aliens originally came from the galaxy called the Triangulum Galaxy (NGC 958). It was ruled by the All Powerful Alpha Empire. Confident with its power the Alpha Empire allowed the formation of independant systems which could make their own laws and follow thier own ethics. This allowed the creation of the Friendly Alien territories; it was a civilisation based on Peace and Compassion which spead over five worlds. It had laws to have no weapons and exiled anyone who committed sin to keep the ethics pure. To maintain the security of the systems however the Alpha Empire often patrolled the area with its own warships.

The existence of the Friendly Alien nation was relatively secure for thousands of years until the Polaris Mining Facility Disaster. A group of Space Pirates known as the Perto Clan dicided to make a daring raid on the Taelon rich Polaris Mining Facility, the take would give them enough credits to feed their families for the rest of their lives and they wouldn't have to live as criminals anymore. But during the raid hidden Ion Cannons were fired by the miners which caused a catastophic explosion. Destroying the entire Polaris Facility without the chance for the miners to evacuate... 1000s of miners died along with their families which lived with them.

The Perto Clan was stunned by the tragedy; why would the Mining Facility carry such powerful weaponry especially in such a dangerous area? The whole clan realised how important the Taelon was to the Alpha Empire, and they would die painfully for what they caused.

Fearing retribution the Perto Clan travelled to Friendly Alien territory, where they met with the Supreme Leader Ye'Qum and showed her the flight recordings which proved that it wasnt their fault the facility blew up. The Supreme Leader offered the Perto Clan asylem in the Friendly Aliens territory and promised that their where abouts will never be told to the Alpha Empire. But the Alpha empire had spies everywhere, they knew that Friendly Aliens was harbouring the criminals and the Emperor asked Ye'Qum where they were. She refused to tell him a stood behind the principles she was bought up with. The Emperor wasn't impressed however remembering that Friendly Aliens has no actual way of stopping the Alpha Empire from searching their territory they sent in a whole armada to search for the Perto Clan themselves.

After about six months of tedious searching the armada started to search an asteriod field found in Friendly Aliens territory called Teal Arch. Unknown to them the armada actually found the home of the Perto Clan. Early warning stations found the Armada heading towards them and all Perto Clan ships got ready to fight; time to stop running.

Battle of Teal Arch

The Alpha Armada consisted of 15 Freedom Class Pulsar Gunboats, 4 Hail Class Torpedo Destroyers, 2 Fear Class Ion Beam Cruisers and One Universe Class Dreadnought armed with Singularity Lasers (thought to be the most powerful weapons ever concieved). The Perto Clan Pirates had 40 Thief Class Frigates, 12 Sword Class Cruisers and 2 Ino Class Carriers each with 60 fighters.

Having the advantage of surprise the Pirates needed to do as much damage to the Dreadnought as possible without it firing at them. The plan was to use the surrounding asteriods as primitive weapons, they are big enough to do damage to the massive vessel yet they travelled so slow they can get though the shields because they travelled slower then the critical velocity.

The battle started on the third cycle, Thiefs attached tow cables to thirty large asteriods and moved at full speed towards the dreadnought, the armada called battle alert and entered a capital phalanx formation.