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Revision as of 05:53, 19 November 2004 by Rejistania (Talk | contribs)

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Rejistania, This is Quebrada. I take it (assume) that your country has not fought wars before like we did.

The main reason that i am here is that you cannot in terms or real life or in nationstates have either a semi-socialist AND semi-capitalist country. Quebrada is a proper Capitalist medium right-wing country (medium meaning in the middle between normal right and far right). i know that NS always call us "A rowdy bunch of Compulsory Consumerists". We are Consumerists but we are not THAT extreme.

Anyway how does you politics compare with us and how can you be semi-socialist (BOO) and semi-capitalist (HOORAH, that's good) at the same time?

Social democratic politics-HA! that will never work. people should not get freedom of speech or much civil rights in quebrada's opinion. The government should choose what they believe and say-that is what we (the quebradan goverment) are for. by the sounds of you political nature you are a coomunist or a socialist or a marxist. just one thing....marxism is useless. capitalism will not convert to communism. the hedgemony theory proves this. before marxism will come to quebrada all the 270+ million populationwill have to die in shame!

the reason why quebrada fought rl countires is because i have seen tonnes of ns countries go to war with rl countries over and over again so i assumed that i can do the same thing (and make a great history out of it read Quebradan History Timeline for more excellent details).

also what i meant was has rejistanis fought wars with ns countries?

I do not care whether you saw that and imitate, it is bad style and I'd attack anyone using it.

About our political differences: Let's agree to disagree. Both a Comppulsory Consumerist State in your fashion and a social democratic leftist haditera in my style are unrealistic. Your government would be overthrown by revolution after the n-th war and well, the Rejistanis would experience crisis due to globalisation (despite the regulated market in the Rejis). Despite that we both have fun to RP in our style and that's what matters.

The Rejis is a peaceful country and never waged war in its existence, however Ravea was destroyed twice: 6:1 away and 10:1 in Rejistania.