The Pavelic War

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The Pavelic War Summary
Date: 28 January-March 24, 2006
Locations: Kravania, The Lone Alliance, Mckagan
Outcome: Atne Pavelic defeated and captured, Kravania devastated
Casualties (approx.)
Military: Kravanian: 20 million, Rest to be determined dead
Civilian: Kravanian: 88 million, Lone Alliance: 10,000, Mckagan: 5,000, Rest to be determined dead
Total: To be determined dead
Main Participants
Nations that (at one point or another) were at war with Pavelic led Kravania Nations that (at one point or another) provided or offered assistance to Pavelic led Kravania
The Lone Alliance
New Ausha
Raven corps
Southeastasia (Pavelic declared war on neutral Southeastasia for no real reason)
Roach-Busters (provided military assistance)
Parthia (provided military assistance)
Mckagan (gave information to Pavelic and offered him safe exile)

The Pavelic War is the name given to the bizarre conflict started by and centered around Atne Pavelic, the mentally unstable President of The Armed Republic of Kravania. The wars name was coined by Dominique de Villepin, the Amestrian Minister of Foreign Affairs (at the time of the conflict), Duke of Vignerot, and accomplished historian.

De Villepin had this to say on his decision concerning the name:

"I was attempting to write an article for the De Politique Étrangère (an Amestrian Foreign Policy Magazine) on the subject of the recent Kravanian conflict when I realized that the conflict, which started out as an unprovoked campaign of extermination against the Lone Alliance, had quickly expanded to involve dozens of nations. Clearly, the name used at the time, Kravania-Lone Alliance War, did not accurately reflect the full scope of the conflict. I could not think of a geopolitical name and was about to break it down into several separate conflicts for convenience when it occurred to me that the entire conflict grew out of and was driven by the erratic character of Atne Pavelic. Pavelic was the sole reason for the initial war with the Lone Alliance, the reason for the wars expansion, the reason the war was so costly, and the reason why Kravania was defeated. Everything began and ended with Atne Pavelic, the sadistic, incompetent, inept, alcoholic, fundamentalist ideologue. The war ended with Pavelic's surrender, not Kravania's surrender, Pavelic's. Thus I felt it was fitting, not to mention historically correct, to name the whole disaster after him."

Start of the Conflict: The Kravania-Lone Alliance War

-under construction-

Further Sources: Kravania-Lone Alliance war