Parallel pacific

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Parallel pacific
Forum: Parallel pacific forum
Population: 26 nations
Delegate: Bumboat
Founder: Love and esterel
Info: NSEconomy RC XML

Parallel Pacific is a huge ocean. The origin of its name is not well known, but came from the people who discovered it; maybe it seemed to resemble the “Pacific Ocean”.

Parallel Pacific is comprised of many astonishing, improbable and beautiful islands and archipelagos. There is huge variety in size, geography, environment, flora and fauna.

Parallel Pacific doesn't recruit nations, but any peaceful nation is free to settle in an uninhabited archipelago, or to move somewhere in the ocean.

Parallel pacific is a democratic region. All UN members can vote on the regional forum, and the total determines how the regional vote is cast.

The main activity of the region is to participe in the UN debate: to write proposals and help nations wanting to submit a proposal which we have interest in.

Members Nations

Bumboat, CR Oscilloscopes, Faiddqax, Isastica in Exile, Kaitila, Love and esterel, Lvidica, Murderesses, MysticMares, Pirelli, Pirelli2, Poinginoh, Seaboard Air Line2, Sheaklyville, Sharanthustra, Squirlvin, St Olga, Vekkeul, Zechertania