Toyo Oti

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Toyo Oti
Place of birth

Toyo Oti is a Kirisuban contemporary architect born in 1950 in Edo, the capital of the empire of Kirisubo.

He is famous for his original works and in addition to the many monuments he designed in Kirisubo, he started a great international carrier in the XXIth century, in particular in Love and esterel. Toyo Oti is nowaday one of the most creative and influent architect in Kirisubo and Love and esterel

A non exhaustive list of Toyo Oti’s works

  • National library, Edo Kirisubo
  • Tods’s luxury mall, Domotesan Road, Edo, Kirisubo (picture below)
  • Edo International Airport, Edo, Kirisubo
  • Bonobos’ Liberty Zoo, Vagator, Love and esterel
  • LAEX Headquarters, (Love and esterel stock eXchange), Esterel City, Love and esterel
  • Anjuna International Airport, Anjuna, Love and esterel
  • The Palm(TM) Esterel, Esterel Bay, Love and esterel
  • Burl Al Anjuna, Anjuna, Love and esterel (picture below)

Toyo Oti designed also many houses, in particular half of the houses of The Palm(TM) Esterel, and he took part voluntarily to the constructions of Kapshur.

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Tods’s luxury mall, Domotesan Road, Edo, a classical Toyo Oti's signature
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Burl Al Anjuna, is the first 8* hotel in the world and the new emblem of Anjuna
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House in Vagator, inhabited by Pazu-Lenny and Midori Kasigi-Nero