Lady Christina Freedman

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Lady Christina Freedman
Ambassador to the Court of Christ Pantocrator
Civil Status
former Imperial Chancellor

As a student at the University of Landing, Christina Freedman, daughter of the Lord of New Henrico, was already a leader and a figure of enormous popularity. The young Christina wrote a column for the campus newspaper, hosted a radio show on the campus radio station and was the star of numerous school productions. She was elected both homecoming queen and student body president. A career in the media seemed to await the attractive young woman.

After graduation, Freedman did briefly pursue a career as a network television reporter in Excalbia before going into politics. Her public exposure, good looks, natural magnetism and command of the issues made her a rising star in the Progressive Conservative Party.

Despite her high public profile and growing reputation as a tough politician, it was considered a surprise when the newly enthroned Emperor David IV skipped over several veteran politicians in the ruling center-right coalition to name Lady Freedman Imperial Chancellor.

As Chancellor, Lady Freedman won a reputation for decisive and confident leadership. She loyally implemented the Emperor's policies while taking her own initiative to shape their implementation. She was also known as "no-nonsense" leader whose temper, though rarely seen, was greatly feared and avoided.

After her party lost a significant number of seats in the 2005 elections, falling behind the Liberal Party and dropping out of the government, Lady Freedman resigned her seat in the Imperial Senate and her leadership of the party. Her vacant seat was filled, ironically, by former party rival Lord P.R.R. Garrison. Subsequently she was named ambassador to Pantocratoria.