Sattva Party

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The Sattva Party (pronounced SATT-va in Sanskrit, Hindi, and other languages; SHOT-toh in Mokshatiani and Bengali) is the main social democratic party of Mokshatiana. In Mokshatiani political philosophy, it is considered a moderate philosophy, lodged between the individualistic liberalism of Moksha and the nationalistic conservatism of Manushyon.

It is the newest of the three major party, founded in 1924, and has won the fewest elections. It arose equally in the cities of the rapidly growing country and in its universities and an alternative to the two major parties. It gained heavy popularity in the late 1960's and the 1970's, and garnered 8 years of prime ministery starting in 1972. Due to the rightward economic shift in the 1980's, however, it lost the position, although it had an effect on the other parties greatly moderating their views.

In recent years, it has been pushed futher to the right, perhaps putting its true philosophy closer to liberal-conservatism than true center-left social democracy.