Adrian Laroux

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Adrian Laroux
curren Premier of Sicinia Salis
Sicinia Salis

Adrian Laroux was born on 23 January, 1689 to Philipe and Lisa Laroux, in the village of Gandon in County Chelmond in County Saint Michele. The son of a poor farmer, he enlisted in the 44th Foot (Augustenshire Regiment) in 1703 at the age of 14. A good soldier, he was promoted to corporal three times, and was busted three times for insubordination. He and his regiment remained part of the 3rd Shock Army during this time, and although they fought several skirmishes with rebels under the Admiral Jean Francois de la Martinique, the 44th took no part in the battle of Bas-Armand or any subsequent actions in the rebellion.

In 1723 he was promoted to Sergeant and married Nicole Pennere, with whom he had three children: two boys and a girl. The regiment saw extensive action at Akaseia during the Three Day's War, and engaged in serious fighting with the Akaeian relief. It was during one of these battles that an Akaeian party broke through the lines and during the fighting Nicole and the three children were killed. Grief-stricken, Adrian fought bravely and was given several commendations following the battle.

In September of 1728, the 44th shipped out to Zagorlad to fight in King Timothy’s War. The 44th, as part of Julien’s Brigade, was badly bloodied during the battle of Beldorford. For conscipicuous gallantry Adrian was commissioned as Ensign, but in disgust over the Sicinian cooperation with Akaeia he sold his commission and began making connections with the group Egalite, turning them into the widespread and mainstream political group they are today. Today Adrian lives and works in Saint Michele, although he is on the speaking trail most of the time.