Three Day's War

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(Oct 24 to Oct 27, 1728) marked the first war in Namura recently. It began with a civil war in Akaeia between the Emperor Ioshuad Iardeneios and an usurper, Tauen Scenosix. With Imperial Armies tied down in the west, Sicinia Salis saw a chance to move its border further west. On the early morning of Oct 24, The Sicinian 1st Fleet bombarded the Akaeian city of Erektheneos before landing companies of marines to secure it.

At the same time 45,000 Sicinian soldiers of the 3rd Shock Army poured over the border, while 3,000 mixed cavalry moved to capture Kaetoreus, another border city. Raiding parties were also disptached to Akaseia, but they were forced to fall back. The 3rd Shock Army took Herakleia without a fight, while the 1st Fleet (recently arrived from the straits of Chanaud) blockaded Kleotensis. The mixed cavalry at Kaetoreus began to skirmish with the Akaeian forces evacuting the city, but neither side was able to destroy the other. The 3rd Shock Army had by now reached the city, but upon finding it unguarded but undefensible, razed it before joining the mixed cavalry on the march to Akaseia.

The 1st Fleet meanwhile had taken Kleotensis with the help of a brigade of Grenadiers landed some miles east of the city. The 4th Fleet was now sailing to blockade Tenedos, another Akaeian naval base. The Akaeians in turn mustered up their fleet and raced to reach the port.

The Akeian army, in an attempt to launch a counter invasion, attacked Denard in the north, but the city was burned first, depriving the invaders of shelter in the upcoming winter.

Akaseia did not surrender as had its sister cities had, and the fight became static and settled into a siege. A brigade of cuirassers and 32 pdr siege guns were sailed up the Salis to aid in the siege, for the mixed cavalry was having a difficult time holding back Akaeian relief forces. The former Akaeian garrison of Kaetoreus at this time made its move, sweeping back through the razed city and turning north to relieve Akaseia. They were stopped by the 3rd Corps, a recently mobilized unit, though both sides suffered heavy casaulties. The fight at Akaseia was becoming increasingly terrible, with 100 lb siege mortars being brought into play.

At Tenedos, the 1st and 4th Fleets had converged outside the city, and were successful in its blockade, although they were not able to enter the harbor proper. The brigade of Grenadiers, who had been fighting unsuccessfully to break through the Akaeian forces guarding the pass to Taeana, were now joined by the 2nd Corps, another of the mobilized units.

It was at this time that the diplomats took over, and Akaeia, who had dealt with the usurper Scenosix, agreed to surrender unconditionally to Sicinia. Sicinia's terms dictated the withdrawal of Akaeian forces near Denard, while Akaeian troops in Akaseia were allowed to leave the city unharmed and bearing their weapons. As these proud but defeated troops marched away, beaten but still defiant, the Sicinian soldiers climbed atop their breastworks and saluted those had been their foes.

Thus was the border extended from the Salis to the Eastern Mountains, and the region of Namura was peaceful once more.


<div" class="plainlinksneverexpand">redcoat.jpg
Sicinian regular, by his black facings a member of the 12th Foot
<div" class="plainlinksneverexpand">yrtnsieg.jpg
3rd Shock Army Marching to Akaseia