League of Nations

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The League of NAtions
Headquarters: Camina Gadalica
Type: Global
Forum: [1]

THE LON is a body ment to harmonize and counter the authoritan. NSUN It's made up of several LON formed bodies and International Alliances that are in cooperation with the LON.


Preamble: The League shall promote international co-operation to achieve international peace and security. The obligations to not resort to war, by an open, just and honorable relations between nations, By the firm establishment of the understandings of international law as the actual rule of conduct among Governments, and the maintenance of justice and respect for all treaty obligations in the dealings with international politics.

ARTICLE I: The Goals and the Principals of this League: a. save succeeding generations from scourges of war b. uphold and reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights c. establish respect for international law d. practice good neighborliness, and tolerance, based on equal rights and self-determination of peoples. e. avoid the use of armed force, except in common interest f. serve as a center for harmonizing the actions of nations g. achieve international cooperation in solving economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian problems, while encouraging respect for human rights and freedoms.

ARTICLE II: The League shall recognize a nations sovereignty, and shall not interfere unless international security, human rights, or anything else of distress is aroused to a sever point. (ex. Genocide)

ARTICLE III: The League shall be open to any and all nations, that obey the sesus of international law and order.

ARTICLE IV: The League shall have a minor collaboration with the United Nations, but shall remain an independent body, not dominated by third parties.

ARTICLE V: All nations will have an equal say in the League, regardless of population size, Government Status, economy, religion or any other beliefs that are within the boundaries of law and order, civil and political freedoms.

ARTICLE VI: Resolutions are allowed by any nation, and will be voted on. Simple majority will be required proceeding a discussion panel by any and all nations. Resolutions may be over turned by a 2/3 agreement, followed by a majority vote.

ARTICLE VII: Regions shall also be allowed to have a delegate in the League

ARTICLE VIII: Nations that disregard the Covenant on all bases will result in expulsion from the League, military action, or to brought before a tribunal

Bodies of the LON

General Assembly (GA)

Security Council (SC)

Human Rights Committie (HRC)

World Youth Council (WYC)

International Criminal Court (ICC)

Economnic and Social Council (ECOSOC)

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

World Health Organization (WHO)

World Metorlogical Organization (WMO)

World Bank (WB)

International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL)

Cooperative Alliances

Global Alliance of Sovereign Nations (GASN)

United Nations Alliance (UNA)