Parti National de Oliverry

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Parti National de Oliverry
Established 2021
Economic ideology Control over all the economy
Social ideology Extreme Nationalism
Party leader Louis Tétreault
Party's candidate for presidency Robert Pelletier
Motto Nationalisme sans frontières (Nationalism has no limit)

The Parti National was founded after some fascists decided it was time for a party to reflect their opinion. They elected Louis Tétreault as their leader for life and their fans think that he is the official leader of Oliverry, even though they never got elected.

Political parties of Oliverry
Principal parties:
PNDtn.png PdRtn.png OOtn.png PStn.png
Parti Neo-Democrate de Oliverry Parti des Régions Option Oliverry Parti Socialiste de Oliverry
Other parties:
UVMtn.png UPODtn.png ULtn.png PNtn.png PMtn.png
Union Verte-Marxiste Union Pour un Oliverry Democratique Union Libérale Parti National de Oliverry Parti Marijuana de Oliverry
PCtn.png MOUtn.png MMtn.png FPFtn.png
Parti Capitalizte Mouvement Oliverry Unie Mouvement Monarchique Forces Progressistes pour la Fédération