Freestian Ghouls

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Revision as of 23:31, 8 June 2006 by Freethinker (Talk | contribs)

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Freestian Ghouls are the unusual crossbreeds of humans and Freestian Vampires that make up the bulk of the non-human population in The Freethinker Commonwealth. Resembling humanform vampires though incorporating more human qualities and physiology than their reptilian forebearers, they nonetheless posses to a wide and varying degree greater strength and longetivity than normal human beings. Freestian Ghouls are by far the largest non-human species by population in the Commonwealth and dominate interspecies politics and society within the country.




Ghouls in Society

Ghoulish Infantry

A special note must made about "Ghoulish Infantry" and the importance of this concept within the Freethinker Royal Armed Forces.