Kuronan Storm Crisis

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Also known as The Stormy Weather Incident The Great Kurona Storm

In the early months of fall in Kurona, the weather undergoes changes. Rain becomes more frequent as the summer heat dies off. This is the point when large storms often move over Kurona. However, Tornado and Hurricane Season generally ends in the fall. This is do to the climate diffrences in the Xanadouien Sea. It isn't unheard of for large storms to cover the entire country of Kurona but there was one that locked, and it's still a mystery.


It isn't known exactly when the storm started. It started much like anyother storm, rain, maybe thunder and lightning. But then people noticed it wouldn't stop, and it was gradually getting worse. Soon hail, tornados, floods began to wipe out farms, and towns. Because the country depends heavily on agriculture, this started to cause food to run danerously low.

Eventually Princess Tomoyo Mikanu declared a state of emergency, and orderd people to evacuate costal cities. Still many we're hoping the storm would eventually pass. But days we're going by, the storm still raged on and on. Tomoyo was growing deeply concerned, and frightend. She started to wonder if Kurona would collapse and literally be sucked into the sea. Worse case scenarios we're running through her mind over and over again. Now she was at odds with the belifes of her politcal system, and the need for help.

The Princess Pleas For Help

The Princess had to debate over the fact of letting nations in. Many, including her were fearing explotation of powerful nations, (see puppet) that would come saying they we're helping, but in reality we're intrested in their personal gain. But thing's were growing worse. Anarchy was breaking out, food was low, and the storm wasn't letting up. She wrote a letter to all nations

Dearest Nations of the World, The Principality of Kurona has fallen into troubled times. Our weather is drastically shifting into violent moods. Many of our costal towns are flooded. Many farms and farm comunties have been destroyed, or are short on food. This is taking a drastic toll on our economy and our people. Food shortages are estimated to skyrocket over the next 72 hours. We need all the help we can get, to weather this. I am asking for: Medical Staff, Insurance and Social Security Agents, Food Rations, and expert meteorologists. All will be welcome into the nation, and be accomidated by the Government. I also ask aid from the United Nations, and the Leauge of Small Regions. Kurona is a member, but unfortunatley nither my self, nor any other delgates can make the journey to the Leauge HQ, and adress the General Assembly. Sincerly, Tomoyo Mikanu-Princess of Kurona.

Her letter was sent out, she hopped for a reply, infact she was desperate. But time passed, days, and no response. The lack of response had left the Princess Feeling abandond

"I never thought the world could be so apathetic. Igonoring the pleading cries of a nation in it's desperate hour. Kurona is suffering, and I can do nothing. Everything I had been taught is failing. Was the God that many belived in so angry?" Tomoyo wasn't a Christian of any kind. She was a devout Shinto, but shintaoism wouldn't save her. Should she start praying to a God she didn't belive in as it was? "I only hope that maybe someone has finally deciding to come to our aid. Perhaps, but if not let this diary of mine be forever a template, of what happend to the nation of Kurona." Journal Entry

But finally two nations responded Czardas and Kanami

Relife Effort

Czardas and Kanami we're the only two nations to respond to Kurona, prior to the asking of Stevid Aqua Anu was contacted, and began stockpiling food, and ships to send to Kurona. However do the distance, they had to take time to make sure everything was correct, and error proof. This slowed them down considerably.


Kanami mounted several C-130's to deliver needed supplies. Finally after some complications, they managed to launch one. However flying over the icey northern borders of Kurona proved to be hazerdous. Massive ice and snow forced the plane down. This was now forcing Steven Koolridge to think of other methods. The North was the quickest and easiets rout into Kurona. Otherwise they would have to do a mid-stop to refule. Steven asked the neighboring nations to allow them in, but non responded. Now Steven was in a grid-lock. He had to either abaondon the operations, or wait for the weather to die down, both we're bad choices in his eyes. Then he decided to seek help from the most unlikely source. Stevid. The nation was closest regional wise to Kurona. However both we're coming out of a bitter cold war, and chances are, they would ignore Kanami's askings. (see Stevid Cold War) But it was a chance needed. Stevid and Kanami agreed to aid and help, and hold to their non agression pact. The K.S.S. Yasashii was departed to Stevid to set sail for Kurona. All supplies would be carried to Kurona from Stevid to Kurona.


In Czardas, a short debate over whether or not to aid, came to an end with the decision to help the floundering country.

From: The Libertarian Concordance of Czardas To: Kurona

Greetings from the Concordance of Czardas! Hearing of your plight, we are sending food, supplies, drainage tubing, and money in amounts of up to $30 billion (USD). In addition, we will send a team of engineers, meteorologists, architects, peacekeepers, and other necessary personnel to repair the damage, construct anti-flood networks, control rioting, and determine the cause of the storms. If there is anything else you need, contact us. Once again, the Concordance sends you its greeting and wishes you a pleasant day, despite the weather.

~Kari Alhoun, Czardaian Foreign Minister

A small convoy of 60 Skyhawk Transports departed for Sonomi to airlift the Princess out, and help the nation deal with the harsh weather and damages. Hearing of the Downed C-130, a small group detached from the Rescue Unit to rescued the downed crew.

Another unit made it's way to the capital of Sonomi, and another was on the western portion of the country. Encountering stranded farmers and citizens along the way, many still rember Christina Vaugn. Christina had lost her duaghter in the rushing flood waters, and begged the rescueres to find her. Assuring they would, they loaded her and her son to a boat, and parted off. Sometime later they encounterd Christina's daughter, just clining to drift debries. Chrisitna jummped off the boat and swam to her, and carried her back with out sinking or strugling. This suprised many of the recuers.
