Provinces of New Caldari

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Caldarian Gevon

Caldarian Gevon
National motto: Unity Through Patriotism
National anthem: Orbis Caldari
Capital New Hong
Official languages Caldanese, English
• As Offical Territory
May 5, 2005
 • 2006 est.
Currency font-credit
NSTracker Pipian XML

Caldarian Gevon is the southern half of the defunct Armed Republic of Gevon. The Jewel of Caldarian Gevon is the metropolis of Hong. Hong has been and always will be the largest city in the south. Other cities in Caldarian Gevon include the port cities of Lito, Heilit, Huxingchang and Sujian.

The capital of Caldarian Gevon, New Hong is dominated by the heavily-protected Caldari Adminstration Tower which is the bastion of Caldari authority, built ontop of the now-destroyed palace of Lord Gerald. Victory Plaza is in front of the Adminstration Tower and it is where the Caldari Forces knocked down the statue of Gerald and replaced it with the flag of the Caldari State, signaling the Caldari victory in the 2nd Gevon War.

In the qaint coastal city of Lito, you can vist the naval yards as well as the Museum of Gevon Past, which is the only suriving building containing past Gevonian laws and artifacts from the time when the Caldari Army sieged the city and almost completely obliterated Lito.

However in the industrialized port city of Heilit, you can board one of the many cruise ships and take a trip up and down the Gevonian coast or eat a lobster on the Boardwalk in the Southern City Zone. Heilit is the major industrial production center for Caldari State and its widely reconized as one of the most profitable industrial towns in the entire State.

Caldarian Gevon is pretty much a modern Orwellian demi-state, controlled by the Caldari State, riots and civil discontent are a fact of life in the South and Civil Protection maintain absolute order in the cities, keeping citizens in line through the use of intimidation and physical force - ranging from random beatings, questioning and "inspections," to outright murder. The Ministry of Truth constanly feeded propaganda to the people via the numerous telescreens through the cities and this keep the people in line for the most of the time except for the occational dissent who is vaporized and is never heard from again.

Caldarian Sushiia and Saba

Caldarian Sushiia
National motto: Obedience Leads to Unity
National anthem: Orbis Caldari
Capital Toro
Official languages Caldanese, Sushiian, English
• As Offical Territory
May 1, 2006
 • 2006 est.
Currency Caldari Credit
NSTracker Pipian XML

Information Coming Soon!

Caldarian Ziabach

Caldarian Ziabach
National motto: United in the Name of Patriotism
National anthem: Orbis Caldari
Capital Nykibo
Official languages Caldanese, Ziabachi, Sushiian, English
• As Offical Territory
January 17, 2006
 • 2006 est.
Currency Caldari Credit
NSTracker Pipian XML

} Information Coming Soon!

The Crown Colonies

The Crown Colonies of the Caldari State include UCP, Corporate Sector, TerranCorp, Daalai and the newly-established colony of Rhan Var. The Caldari State has the absolute right to call upon the colonies to allot military and economic assistance at anytime. They cannot seperate from the State for any reason or circumstance. They are allowed in exchange for their eternal connection to the State, there own internal governments to run their day-to-day affairs but the Caldari State has the sole right to control their foreign polices as the State sees fit.