Social-Democratic Party of Niploma

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This article refers to a party in Niploma

Social-Democratic Party of Niploma
Established 2006
21st Yale Way Failegn
Economic Ideology Social-Democracy
Colours Red, previosuly used Orange
Party Leader Odhrán Torin
President Cadhla Buckley
Representation mid-election/750 Democratic House. mid-election/200 Senate.
Motto Niploma's Party

The Social-Democratic Party of Niploma (occasionaly named 'Social-Democrats' or 'SDP') is the official continuation of the Socialist Internationalist Party (SIP) (which has ruled continually for 48 years and for one year in Coalition). Therefore, much of SIP's values and members are carried on. Those who did not agree with the move left to the more left wing Niplomian Labour Party or more right wing Libertarian Reform Party.

Ideology & Politics

The Social-Democrats are a typical centre-left party. Economically it is in favour of a heavily controlled free-market. General economics also include a level tax rate of 50-70% with spending favouring Education, Law & Order and Social Welfare.

Due to the continual move to the centre political platform in its previous incarnation SIP throughout the 1980s and 1990s the Social Democrats have a lost support base. Most of their support comes from the educated middle-class who can sympathise with their views, moderate authotarians who do not want to side with right-wingers and the typical 'working-class'. Due to its more central policies it is believed the Social-Democrats have now lost all confidence in the public and will remain a 100-150 seat third-party. This distresses many previous supporters of SIP/SD who believed its excellent running of Niploma for several decades should be noticed.

Socially the Social-Democrats are moderately 'right-wing' (authortarian) although the party argues it is 'centrist in social matters'. Regardless, they hold several liberal beliefs. The Social-Democrats are pro-abortion and gay marriage. However, their other beliefs are more noticed. Their social spending favours Law & Order more than their political rivals (Libertarian Reform Party). They have also supported less respect for what opponents aregue as civil rights such as ID Cards, overlooking a huge amount of CCTV surveillance and internet police.