Ceoranan Constitution

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Ceoranan Law


Meta Law

Uncommon Law

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Civil Law

The Ceoranan Constitution defines the government of Ceorana. It has a preamble, a purpose statement containing the Principles of Union, and five articles. See the government section of the article on Ceorana for more details of the government's workings, as the Constitution gives much of the power to decide the workings to the Congerss to be set up in the Ceoranan Meta Law.

Text of the Constitution


As the populace of Ceorana, with powers granted to us by the Supreme Law of Nature, with the goal of creating, spreading and enhancing Peace, Hope, Joy, Democracy and Diplomacy not only within our borders but throughout the world, and with the firm belief government can only function with a mandate from its constituents, do hereby declare that the following Constitution shall be the most supreme law in all of the jurisdiction of Ceorana.

Principles of Union

Ceorana stands for and will always stand for:

  • Peace. Ceorana will remain neutral in any war except in defense of our home country, and will never purposefully end the life of anyone.
  • Liberty. Ceorana will remember that we are all equal, and therefore deserve equal rights and justice.
  • Hope. Ceorana will always persevere to the end of any problem, and put our full effort into removing ourselves from any quandary.
  • Joy. Ceorana will never leave a person behind, and never forget that everyone deserves a chance.
  • Democracy. Ceorana will never leave an opinion unheard, a vote uncounted, or a thought unsaid.

Principles of Governance

Ceorana's government is based on:

  • Rule of law. Laws, not people, set down the rules.
  • Popular Sovereignty. The populace of Ceorana holds the ultimate power in making laws.
  • Republicanism. Popular sovereignty is achieved through electing officials to act on behalf of the people.
  • Checks and balances. No person or group can wield ultimate power, even for a short period of time.
  • Cooperation. Even though there are checks and balances, all of the government works closely together.


Supremacy of the United Nations

All resolutions passed by the United Nations will be binding on the government and, where applicable, citizens of Ceorana in all cases whatever.

Supremacy of Law

All people, provinces, corporations, and other entities within the borders of Ceorana shall be subject to, and only to, the terms of this Constitution and all law passed by the Congress of Ceorana through the process laid out in this Constitution and may be punished for breaking the laws as is seen fit by the law and the judiciary

Supremacy of National Government

The power to make laws is hereby vested in the provincial governments, but such laws are inferior to national law and may be repealed by an act of Congress at any time.

Supremacy of Civilians

Any armed forces created by Congress must remain under the ultimate control of Congress and the President, and may not come into operation unless war or emergency is declared by an act of Congress, or it is determined by the President that operation is justified. Such operation must be confirmed by an act of Congress within forty-eight hours of the initial deployment.

The Legislature


The legislature shall take the form of the Congress of Ceorana, which shall consist of a House of Representatives and a House of Delegates. It shall have the exclusive duty of passing laws for the good of Ceorana.

The House of Representatives


The House of Representatives shall consist of a number of members as decided by the House of Delegates, and each Representative shall represent the same number of citizens.

Methods of Election

Each Representative shall represent one Area, each of which shall consist of approximately the same number of citizens, and shall be drawn by the Court of Ceorana once every nine years in a way that gains a sixty percent approval by Congress. Representatives shall be elected from their Area once every three years, and the terms shall be staggered, so different Representatives shall be up for election once every year.


After each nine years have elapsed, a complete anonymous enumeration of the citizens of Ceorana and their locations shall take place to aid in the drawing of Areas. This procedure shall be overseen by the Executive.

The House of Delegates


The House of Delegates shall consist of one hundred twenty members, twenty from each province and twenty at-large members.

Methods of Election

Each Delegate shall represent one Province, and be elected from their home province once every five years in a manner prescribed by Congress. The terms shall be staggered, so different Delegates shall be up for election every year.


If, at any time during a term, a Representative or Delegate shall resign or be forced to resign from office, a special election shall immediately convene in the Representative or Delegate's home Province or Area, at which a new Representative or Delegate shall be chosen, and hold office until the next regular election for their Area or Province shall intervene.


All persons wishing to hold an elected office within the Congress must have attained the age of twenty-five years and be full citizens of Ceorana in the Area or Province which they wish to represent.


Both houses shall elect a Chair, who shall lead the meetings and decide on dates of votes. He or she shall only cast a vote when the vote is tied.


Both houses shall have several Committees, which shall correspond between the two houses and with the Offices in the Executive. The Committees and their subjects shall be decided by the Congress through law. Committees shall be grouped into Categories, which shall correspond with Departments in the Executive.

The Executive


The Executive shall take the form of the President and his Cabinet. It shall have the exclusive purpose of carrying out the laws passed by the Congress.

Methods of Election

The President shall be elected to a four year term by a popular vote of all citizens above an age determined by law. He shall then appoint members of his Cabinet, each who shall lead a department. Members of the Cabinet must be approved by at least one house of Congress, otherwise the President must choose a different person. The president may hire and fire cabinet members at any time, but all such hirings and firings must be approved by at least one house of Congress.


If, at any time during the course of his term, the President shall be forced to retire from office, due to illness, death, or other issues, the highest-ranking cabinet member shall fill his post, and exercise all duties as President of Ceorana, including choosing a replacement cabinet member under the guidelines prescribed above.


All persons wishing to hold the Presidency must have attained the age of thirty-five years and be a ten year citizen of Ceorana, and all persons wishing to hold a cabinet post must have attained the age of twenty-five years.


Each Cabinet member shall lead a Department. Each Department will correspond with a Category in the Congress. Departments shall be divided into Offices, each of which shall correspond with a Committee in the Congress. Offices and Departments shall have the purpose of executing laws passed by the Congress, primarily those handled by their corresponding Committees and Categories, unless the President shall appoint a different department.

The Judiciary


The Judiciary shall take the form of the Court of Ceorana, consisting of eleven members, as well as the Provincial Courts. They shall have the exclusive purpose of interpreting laws, deciding the guilt or innocence of a person accused of a crime, and conducting trials for the impeachment of officials in other branches.

Method of Election

The members of the Court of Ceorana shall be elected by the Congress and must be approved by the President.


All persons wishing to hold a position on the Court of Ceorana must have attained the age of forty years and be a citizen of Ceorana.

Lower Courts

The lower courts shall be administered by the provinces but are under the ultimate jurisdiction of the Congress.


The member of the court who has been present on the court for the longest time will be the Presiding Member, who shall lead meetings and decide the writer of opinions.


Whenever a question is brought before the Court of Ceorana, they may choose to accept it if five out of eleven members agree or decline it if less than five agree to take it. If accepted, they shall hear arguments and vote. The majority vote decides the case.

Government Processes


Legislation shall take place by the following steps:

  1. A bill shall be introduced by a member of either house of Congress.
  2. It shall be edited by a Committee of the same house, as determined by the Speaker of that house.
  3. If the Committee approves the bill, it shall be voted on by the entire house, at a time determined by the Speaker. If the Committee declines it (“tables” it), the bill is dead, unless one third of the house shall override this.
  4. If it fails, the bill is dead. If not, it shall pass into the other house and the process shall repeat, although the Committee cannot table the bill.
  5. If the bill passes in both houses, a committee consisting of the members of both corresponding committees to work out the differences in the passed bills, after which it shall be voted on again by both houses.
  6. If the bill passes there, it shall be sent to the Executive. If the President or two thirds of his cabinet shall approve it, it becomes law.
  7. If the president and cabinet both fail to pass the bill, then it is dead unless one of the following events shall occur:
    1. The Congress passes the bill by a two-thirds supermajority in both houses.
    2. The Congress passes the bill by a seven-eighths supermajority in one house and a simple majority in the other.
    3. Any citizen or group of citizens of Ceorana obtains approval of three-one hundredths of the populace of Ceorana to call a special election on the subject, and the bill passes by a five-elevenths supermajority.


In the event that any elected government official is accused of a crime, they must first be found guilty by the Court of Ceorana in order to be removed from office, at which point they can undergo the normal criminal trial. If a member of the Court of Ceorana is excused, they and one other member, determined at random, will recuse themselves from the trial process.

Rights of the People

  • The right to express themselves freely, to express and practice their religion freely, to distribute news and opinions freely, to assemble freely, and to demonstrate and petition freely.
  • The right of all people to peace in their homes, and free from undue government inspection.
  • The right of all citizens above an age determined by the Congress to participate equally in the election of the government.
  • The right of all citizens accused of any crime to a fair and speedy trial by their peers.
  • The right of all citizens to be free from punishment which is dangerous or cruel.
  • The right of all citizens to be free from any compulsory work, unless convicted of a crime in a fair trial.
  • The right of all citizens to life, peace, and general freedom.

Provisions for Amending

This constitution may be amended in any way except to change or violate the Principles of Union by a three-quarters vote of Congress plus approval of at least sixty percent of the provinces.
