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Forum: None
Population: 27 nations
Delegate: Kryozerkia
Founder: Kryozerkia
Info: NSEconomy RC XML


ALSN is an acronym which stands for Apocalyptic League of Sovereign Nations.

ALSN never started out as ALSN. The region was originalled called Ragnarok Apocalypse. But, following some radical changes in the UN that were unfavourable to the nations of the region, we made the move to leave the UN en mass. Subsequent to that, we gave all remaining UN nations time to either leave the UN and remain in the new region of ALSN, or leave the region. Many stayed in the region, and for a long time we were without any UN members, and access to the region was very strict. That was until the arrival of Bjwair, who was the first UN member to enter the region since the majority left the UN months past.

Since then, many nations have come and gone, but the embargo on UN membership has been lifted. As a result, the founder, who had once served as delegate, has reassumed that position following a shift in the balance of power after a couple of nations took their endorsements from the Empire of Roycelandia and redirected them to the nation of Kryozerkia.


Historically, ALSN was home to a handful of nations who were linked to each other in real life. Most of the nations that were part of the original region have since ceased to exist. But, without their involvement in the original region, ALSN wouldn't be where it is today.

The original members:

The nations that are indented are nations which spawned from the original nations following the first regional war. They were still part of the original region because of the age of the nations who were the original occupants of the region.


Both Ragnarok Apocalypse and ALSN were founded by Kryozerkia, who served as a delegate in both regions.

It was founded after the nations of Kryozerkia, Kutou-koku, Brycovia and Dor Cirion came into existance. It was founded by these four nations who wanted a home together. They were then joined by the original natives, starting with The Eastern Alliance and Spryochaetia, followed by Odinland, The Ultimate Freedom, Erthsphere Alliance and The Singular. Almost all of the original members belonged to the UN, making the region heavily influenced by UN mandates and resolutions.

The First War

The nation of Kutou-koku had it's late Dowager Empress, Empress Ai overthown following the rebellion in Kryozerkia, which saw the implementation of the first democratic government, thus sending into exile, former Prime Minister Chikita. She later turned up in Kutou-koku, and having taken the throne from the Dowager Empress, she declared herself to be the leader of Kutou-koku. Seeking revenge on the country that wronged, her, she decided to pursue war.

Simply put - the rebellion in Kryozerkia was the indirect cause for the regional war.

With Chikita having declared war on Kryozerkia, the region became divided.

The Eastern Alliance and Brycovia took strong stances against Kutou-koku and declared war on them, while Dor Cirion remained neutral, stating that its intentions were only to up border security, as it is the neighbour of both Kryozerkia and Kutou-koku. Meanwhile, most of the other nations didn't even declare their intentions and they steered clear of the whole war.

The conflict received outside help. The nation of Witticism was the main ally for Kryozerkia during that conflict.

The war was long and tiring. It cost many lives.

In the midst of the whole war, Kryozerkia was thrown into civil war as its northern province of Farflorin made a move to supercede the rest of the country during the time of war. In the same time period, the war nad centralised itself on Qu'Dong, teh capital of Kutou-koku, and it would be just days before ordered was restored to almost all of Kutou-koku. The one exception was to the western half of the province of Kirin Tor. The Eastern Alliance, deciding it wanted a chunk of Kutounese land, took the land as spils of war.