Satanism (Democratic Union)

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This Brand of Satanism Worships a man Known as George Pita. He was the Emperor of
The Flag of Satanism, The offical Symbol is the 5-pointed star, It appears on the TGE Flag, and is the Coat of Arms of The Glorious Empire

The Glorious Empire and is widely reguarded by most people outside of TGE as the Anti-Chirst. Thus the name Satanism

He is Viewed as a Dark Savior by His People and is Silver tounge and iron fist have managed to keep the religon alive and well inside of TGE while a Terrorist Organization known as The Dark Brotherhood fights to protect Satanists outside of TGE, and Converting all of the Populice.

The Inspiration

George Pita being the Founder of National-Capitalism has taken much of these beliefs and applied them into his Faith. Naki Runes are sacred and are considered to be holy artifacts. They are often found in the Massive Obsidan Churches across TGE, and Necklaces are often found to have a Gwastika (Symbol of national Capitalism) on them. The Cerimonal Clothing of the Emperor has A Gwastika being Carried by an Eagle on the Chest, to show The Churches Origins


Satanism has 6 Basic Tenents

Survival of the Fittest

All Satanists are Social Darwinists, Believeing that Only those that are best fit to survive will survie, This is often applied due to the harsh conditions of there homeland. Satanists have only one Eternal Loyalty and that is to Pita. Thus Competion is extreme. They Despise communism and Socialism. This Explains the Lack of Diversity in the TGE Government budget as 50% goes to Defence, and the other 50% go to Law and Order

The Oath of Darkness

The Oath of Darkness, is the Oath that every Satanist must take, It is a solem vow that binds the Persons Soul to Pita, and Ensures that there only True loyalty is to him. Those that violate this oath are sent to a Special section of Hell.


Satanists Believe that as long as they are immoral, Hate mongering, and Loyal to Pita they will be rewarded in Hell. They are promised that they will be sent to a Paradise in Hell that will let them live in Lavish luxury, and They will forever be saved from the Hell fire that engulfs regular sinners. They Believe that if they Do not sin Enough then they will be sent to the Hell Fire.

The Black Mass

The Black Mass is the Satanic Equivlent to going to church except it is rather differnt. In fact it Is a Place where They are to have fun, and indulge in there every pleasure. They are required to commit one of the 7 Deadly sins while they are there, Most common though are massive orgies.


Satanists believe that they only Sacrifice for Pita, They Will Sacrifice humans in his Name. This is often in the form of a Public execution of a Heretic or Traitor.

Hierarchy of Faiths

The Hierarchy of Faiths is a Prymid that shows those that will suffer in hell and those that will recive Paradise. Satanists are the Only ones that can enter Paradise, all others will enter hell. However those that are sinful may recive less torture than others. At the Bottem are Solists they will suffer the worst Punishments.

Religious Collapse

After The Crusade of the Glorious Empire, Satanists Voted Pita Back as Emperor of the Glorious Empire, He kept his rule for several Years but after an attempt on his life by an Eyyuian Satanist, He stepped down, fom office, and Allowed the Creation of a Short lived Repubic. That became The Third Reich. Under the Reich, Satanism Collapsed, as Most TGEians (Officially Refered to as Germans) have lost there faith, They Embrased, Nakism and its Mysticism.