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In Baranxtuan Religion, Majja is one of the supreme gods in the Baranxtuan triad. According to her mythology, she is only distantly related to the other gods and a relatively 'new' deity, although actually she is at least as old as Baranxi, being derived from the same basic deity, the Hum Minhā.

Historical Background


Majja is ultimately derived from the name of the deity Hum Minhā, a now lost water or sky spirit that also served as the source of Baranxi. When the originally intersexed deity was split into a male version (Humki Minhai) and a female version (Minhā), the latter became the modern Majja. When she was merged with a number of other water spirits, her backstory changed so she was no longer the daughter of Mηlηja, although she still is often called sister of Baranxi.



Cult of Majja


Epithets and Aspects

As with many deities of Baranxtuan Religion, Majja has a large number of epithets. In comparison to other deities, she is among those with the most, some studies have shown up to about 1,200 different honoring names for Majja. Often, these epithets are the result of a merge of a minor deity with Majja, becoming what is called an aspect of Majja.

Subsequently, the following list only includes the most common ones and gives the translations in the most important languages of Baranxtuan Religion, which today include Asuaneï, Baranxeï and French.

English Baranxeï Asuaneï French
Blue One Mijja Ahiña la Bleue / la Migne
Breath of the Heart Xokhaer Ðillatu Kokael Þaltu l'Haleine du Cœur
the Goddess A Andala A Andala la Déesse
Great Autumn βãndrη Γaiza Bandera Gatsa le Grand Automne
Great Spring Ωφilη Γaiza Aopirja Gatsa le Grand Printemps
House of the Divine Niqab Andaltu Naikab Andalutu le Maison du Divin
the Life A Daïu A Mana la Vie
Mother of Life Ma Daïtu Ma Manatu Mère de la Vie
Mother of Water Ma Manatu Ma Manihatu Mere de l'Eau
Queen of the Gods Hηtana Andalυtuja Aihetana Andalυtša Reine des Déités
Savior Aumarana Ahemalana Redemptrice
Soul Makoma Makoma Âme
Spring and Autumn Ωφilη ω βãndrη Bandera ωj Aopira Automne et Printemps
Sun Eye Uner Aðunu Anertu Aðunu l'Œil-Soleil
Thousand Goddesses βarω Andalaja βaraja Andalaja Mille Déesses